Derek, remaining to keep his eyebrows frowned, faced Ben with concern, "You really think it's O.C.D.?"

Holly leaned forward in her chair for Ben's answer, "I don't know." Ben answered, making Holly sigh in relief, knowing she'd have to report to the Board if he was, "I wanted to let her deal with it her way, but I'm not sure she's dealing with it."

"Tell her to visit psych." Holly recommended, making the two turn back– having momentarily forgotten she was in the room due to her silence, "And tell her to get Blanchard, he'll really listen and give great advice." They frowned their eyebrows, making Holly roll her eyes as she resumed, "I used to visit him when I needed to talk," She gave Derek a playful pointed look, "and when people can't answer my calls."

Derek scoffed, "You called me at four in the morning." Derek squinted back at her, "I have children and sleep is precious."

"Well," Holly shrugged, "who told you to have kids?"

Derek chuckled before he held in a smile, trying to look serious as he remarked, "I'll be sure to mention that to you when you have kids."

"Mhmm." Holly nodded, leaning back in her chair before her hands quickly grabbed the table in front of her to keep her from falling, realizing the chair had no back– she grunted, "Can't wait."

"Nice." Derek complimented sarcastically, laughing lightly with Ben as Holly jokingly glared at the two.

"Look," Holly rose her arms in surrender, "all I'm saying is to visit Blanchard. I don't visit him as much as I used to, but he's really good."

"I tried," Ben revealed with an exhale, "to get her to psych, but she brushed it aside– and... we were in the O.R. the other day, and she kept the patient under easily an extra hour." Derek and Holly's smiles subsided as they realized their conversation quickly went from a small talk to an accusation they, as board members, would have to report.

Derek shook his head as Holly joined his side, "Ben–"

Ben, oblivious to their serious faces, continued, "She went past that."

Holly stammered, "I-I don't think–"

"No," Ben nodded with a chuckle, not seeing the harm, "I know, I know. I should stay out of it, but when I'm watching a surgeon perform what looks like unnecessary procedures–"

"Gah." Holly let out, face-palming as he had now officially said something that would force them to report it.

Ben innocently frowned his eyebrows, "What–?"

"We are on the board of this hospital." Derek reminded, "We can't hear about a physician's misconduct and not report it."

Ben's face fell, making Holly clear her throat and awkwardly remove her hand from her face, "Yeah..."

"We need to talk." Derek and Holly chorused, walking down the stairs towards Owen as Ben, who trailed after the duo, sulked at his error. 

"We really don't." Ben shook his head, attempting to stop the two.

Holly, who wished she hadn't heard anything and had anxious behavior when disregard towards rules occurred, shook her head rapidly at Owen, "We really do." 

Owen frowned his brows, recognizing Holly's anxious behavior before he tried to calm her down and nodded, "I have to wrap up a patient in the E.R.– back here in fifteen?"

"Okay." Holly exhaled with a nod, looking back over to her phone as Derek nodded at Owen as well and Ben released a sigh.

"Hey," Meredith approached the group as Owen answered a phone call given to him by the Nurse at the Nurse's Station, "so I invited Dr. Webber to thanksgiving so now it really has to happen." She looked over at Derek excitedly, gesturing towards Owen, "His lady is cooking Thanksgiving dinner at our house."

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