I point out someone that may or may not be the manager of this section. I wasn't Karen-ing my way out of this, just doing a bit of research. She, the announcer called him, and he began to explain the situation.

"Oh, sorry miss. The ad is only a discount for family members of more than four people. It was in the fine print at the bottom of the ad."

I hate it when companies do things like that. Why can't they just bold every text, so people stop complaining at entrances?

As angry as I was, it did not let it appear on my face. During that time, Gura was looking back and forth between both of us looking for something. I reluctantly paid the price that stung my purse a little bit. Both of us entered with relief from the glare of people who thought I was a Karen behind me.

A detective like me shouldn't be compared with people that have some sort of problem to put it indirectly.


Gura was wearing her usual attire. A blue hoodie with a shark part covering her head. Tail out and everything. People won't suspect she was something or another since she fit perfectly in with our surroundings.

This shark that had happened to see everything in the sea, was in awe of them. She ran to the big glass wall that had a lot of sea creatures. Looking around in it and the place she was in. I mockingly asked,

"First time?"

"Yes but no. It is my first time being in a place like this but the way they are displaying them makes them look majestic. Uhhh, I don't know how to explain it."

I was dressed in some light clothes. Jeans pants with a blue and white t-shirt tucked in. My buckle belt showed dominance, alerting the eyes of others that it was the main attraction. I also wore some not heavy duty looking shoes since it will cause some conflict with my outfit and my appearance. My hair was tied up with my magnifying glass hair clip still in it. I looked like I came from the country on a day trip. I had today's luggage with me in my little and cute backpack on my back.

"I came to places like this a lot before I met you."


"Well, not this exact place but the ones outside this city. When I was a kid, me and my brother Watson used to save up money to go to the aquarium over the summer. The rest of the time, I would play in the park with bubba and the rest of my family."

"That sounds fun."

"It really was."

"Where are they now? Do you still keep in touch with them?"

"Yeah, you could say that."

I asked Gura some questions of my own, curious if her stance is still the same.

"You really don't wanna go back?"

She placed her hands behind her back and looked in the tank of different sea life with a look of certainty.

"No, I don't. I have already given you my answer."

"OK, then."

"You really don't like me being with you, don't yah?"

"No, no, no, the opposite!"

I waved my hands in a gesture that meant I was disagreeing with her. The action for saying goodbye but this time with both hands. It gave the opposite meaning and also calmed the situation before I set off another landmine.

"I was just teasing. This is just my revenge from when you teased me. I was excited, but I saw right through you."

She caught me.

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