Moshi Moshi

408 22 2

It's a normal day in the Watson House. Gura and I were in the living room having a little talk about stuff. After the little party we had, I was more relaxed. The games had me in a mood that I had a peaceful sleep last night. I heard a lot of tossing and turning from the next room. Gura had trouble sleeping because of reasons that are unfounded. I could solve the little case she had, but I was busy being unrelated to it.

"Gura, you look sleepy, did you get any sleep last night?"

Assuming she was angry because of the treatment, she shot me a drowsy look. Using her hands, she childishly rubbed out her eyes.

"Ummm..., I think I had a nightmare."

"Was it bad?"

"Yeah, It was. Every time it happens, my brain hurts."

"Wait a minute. I'll go get you some water."

I went to the kitchen to get her some tap water.

"Here, drink it slowly now."


What a day it was. Back when I was a detective, I would never have this much free time for my birthday. Now with Gura, I have all the time in the world. Playing games, going out to play games, going out and coming back to play games. It looks like we play games a lot but that is not the case. We do other things like...

"Ame, my brain still hurts."

I lost my train of thought.

"Is it still that bad?"

"Yeah, I don't know why."

"I'll bring you more water and some tablets. Go upstairs and lie in your bed. I'll be up as soon as possible."

"Yes, Ame. Ok."

Gura slowly went upstairs holding her head. While she was doing that, I went to look for the medication I bought yesterday.

Where, where, where is it?

After a minute of searching the kitchen, I found what I was looking for.


"Gura, feeling any better?"

"It feels like I'm sick, my head is on fire."

She was lying in bed covering up in her blanket. Motionless, facing up.

"Let me check your temperature. Don't move."

I place my hand on her forehead, oh, it was hot alright.

"I keep having nightmare flashbacks popping up in my head. I don't know what they are. Why is this happening?"

"Calm down, I'm going to call for help, okay?"

Before that, I wiped her down from head to toe. Her body and tail were sweating badly because of the condition she was having, so I gave her the medication to make her feel better. I went outside to call someone. Someone I only met once.

[Hello, Are you there? I have a favour to ask.]

[How did you get this number? I have no memory of giving you my number.]

[I have a way of how to get things. Don't think too much about it.]


"Calliope Mori, Takanashi Kiara. Yo-u 'ave dis-disturbed the homeowners long-long-long enough. I think the Ancient ones would like you to leave."

"Yes, We really should leave. Most definitely. You heard the lady, let's go."

"Calli, what about the dozen kisses you promise me?"

"I promised no such thing, Kusotori."

Who are these people? And why does she have so many tentacles on her back? Who really are they? I have so many questions but this lady with black and red hair is the most suspicious with her katana.

"Hi, what is your name?"

"There is no need, We will be out of your house soon."

"Come on, no need to be shy. I just wanna know your name."

She finally turns her head to me, giving me her attention.

"I'm sorry for us being in your house but my name is not that important. Sorry but I'm not here to get familiar with other people."

"Okay, I'm sorry for bothering you."

I backed off her and looked at them and observed a bit. She looks well put together. Her suit looks nice. Wonder if she has any connections to the higher-ups. My impression of them is skewed in a way to how they had treated us. Some welcomed me and Gura with open arms, while some looked in disgust at both of us. They might have had a relationship with [ ]. That is irrelevant right now. Such lowlifes don't deserve to be thought of. To avoid getting that kinda treatment again, I need someone from the inside just in case something happens.

"Calli, did you just propose to me?"

"Of-of-of-of-of course not!"



"Enma-chan, what's going on?"


I snuck up close to her, not getting founded by the tentacles wiggling around.


What I got was her flip phone to extract her number. I wonder when it will be useful so I will just take it for now. You will never know when you need it. Knowing how good I am at these things, she didn't notice when I pulled it out and replaced it back. It was in her back pocket so it was fairly simple for me.

"Ame, what are yo-"

"Shhh, pretend you didn't see anything. Act normal."

The lady with doubled coloured hair replied.

"Things lovers do are going on, don't pay too much attention to it."


[Regardless of how you got this number, don't ever call it again.]

[Can you listen to me for one minute?]

[And why would I do that?]

[We're in the same boat. You got an otherworldly being living with you and some potential connections to the higher up.]

[And how would you know that?]

[You can't enter this city for no reason and with that girl with you, can you?]

When I said that, silence could be heard on her end of the phone. It was a simple deduction. They must have some reason for being here. For me, It was for some super-fast internet speed. The input lag and ping were practically zero. Another reason is to not meet 'that' group again.

[What do you want?]

[I need some help to get someone into a hospital.]

[Why are you asking me? Doesn't a detective like yourself have no connections of your own?]

[I-I-I have my reasons.]

It's hard to get connections in real life when everybody is a NEET. Oh, my. This city.

[I see, you're having the same problem as well. I understand you personally. I see what I can do for you.]

[Thank you. I need it right now actually.]

[The audacity...]

[Come quickly, please. I will really appreciate it.]

Now we wait. Help is on the way, Gura.

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