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*4 months after the accident*

It's been a while. Your wound had fully healed up but there hadn't been any missions since so everything stayed quiet in the tower for a few months. Your relationship with Bucky was better than ever; In 4 months of being together you got: Swarmed by paparazzi 6 times, into 8 more fights, 2 pregnancy scares, and 57 inappropriate jokes via Stark. Life around the tower went to how it always did when there was nothing world collapsing going on, boring. That was until you received the text.

You were in another room when Bucky saw your phone light up, he looked over and saw a name, he sat there for a moment confused, until he remembered where he knew the name from, except from it being his own of course.

"Y/n, I think you might wanna read this!" He yelled a smile taking over his face as he realized what this meant.

He stepped over and met you in the hallway, excitedly he handed you the phone and you saw a name on your screen you never expected.


"What?" You asked, a beaming smile on Bucky's face as you opened the text.

'hey y/n it's been a while
I wanted to talk to you
can we meet up some time?'

He never was one for punctuation but you had quite missed the way he texted, your eyes started to well up as you read those words. Sorry. Why would he be sorry?

"So, what did he say?" Bucky still had the biggest smile on his face as he looked at you.

"He wants to meet up." A tear rolled down your cheek as your smile matched his, this was the best news you and heard all year, and that's saying something seeing as you had joined the Avengers and got a boyfriend.

You and your brother had organised a time and place, you had asked if you could bring someone and he agreed. Then you begged Bucky to come with you, he reluctantly accepted, not wanting things to be awkward but you felt you needed him there, partly so you didn't sob the whole time and partly so that if it went sour you'd have someone on your side.

The night before you couldn't sleep, all you could think about was that day at the fare and the day when you left home, the way James looked at you; He didn't care and he was happy to see you go, why would he want to talk to you? Why would he be sorry?

You slid out of Buckys arms and started pacing the floor, replaying the events of those days over and over in your mind, the looks he gave you were burned into your memories forever and you found it difficult to imagine him without a resentful face on.

With your face held in your hands you didn't notice Bucky as he sat up in bed and watched you walking back and forth for a moment before speaking.

"What's wrong Doll?" His deep sleepy voice coming from the darkness made you jump slightly before you made your way over to him, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Thinking." You said looking down at your feet, he moved to sit next to you and gently took your hand in his, placing a gentle kiss against your knuckles.

"I have a feeling its not doing you any good," you lay your head in his shoulder, "what are you thinking about?"

You hated when he asked that, sometimes you felt like telling him every issue that went through your mind that day, just wanting to tell him everything wrong so he can fix it. But other times you wanted to bottle it up, not burden anyone else with your minor inconveniences. Whenever he asked you that question, you knew he cared, but you also knew he probably had something bigger going on.

"What are you thinking about Sargeant?" You asked, your biggest solution to that question was usually just avoiding it.

"I'm thinking about how my girlfriend is the most talented, beautiful, strong, smart, person I know and yet she's up at 2am worrying about lunch with her brother."

You lifted your head and punched him lightly, "You can compliment me all you like Buck, that was still mean." You walked back around to the other side of the bed and got in as he defended himself.

"I just mean that you have absolutely nothing to worry about, okay? He texted you, he wanted to talk to you, hell, he even apologized." He got in and sat to face you, "Do you know how scared I was when I had to come here? After everything that I know I've done and everything I don't. I was terrified when I got out of Hydra that no one would ever trust me again, that no one would accept me for my past. But you wanna' know who did?" You both smiled as he continued, squeezing your hands tight.

"You y/n. You made me realize that I was more than what Hydra made me, I was more than what people feared, and you have to realize that too." He framed your face with his hands as he finished his speech, "You're a new person y/n, James hasn't met you yet and when he does. He's gonna be so proud to call you his sister."


I just turned 16 :) happy birthday bitches <3 also woo for James making his comeback

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