"you can trust me"

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You all got on the Quinjet, Cap wearing his Halloween costume looking uniform, and you and Bucky wearing similar tactical gear, his showing off his metal arm and yours completely sleeveless. Steve started to talk about the game plan; Find them, do not engage, just talk, and hopefully, we can get them to help us.

Every so often on your journey over you'd glance to your secret, he was sitting down double checking one of the guns, it had to be the first time you found someone holding such a deadly weapon so attractive.

You walked over and sat down next to him, his face pulled into a lopsided smile, Steve was facing away looking over the Maximoffs files again so you brought your hand to Bucky's face and turned it to kiss him, he kissed back and you wanted it to last forever but remembered to stay wary of the other soldier. You pulled away and he looked back to you smiling his big dumb grin, you lightly kissed him again on the cheek before standing up to go and equip yourself.

You all walked through the streets of Sokovia, it was dark and the streets were bare. Steve had found out that they were hiding out in an abandoned block of flats, so you made your way there. 

"They should be in here, when we go in make sure to check everywhere, if you find them let us know, and remember don't use force, we need these kids to trust us."

The star-spangled man entered the building first holding his shield in front of him, Bucky went around to the back of the building to ensure they didn't slip away, and you followed Steve.

Entering the building Cap signaled for you to check the rooms on the ground floor while he went up, you did so and found nothing but desolate apartments. You went up the stairs and whispered into coms that you were going to the second floor.

Eventually, you heard Cap through the earpiece, "I found them - 3rd-floor apartment 3A, I'm gonna try talk to them" He whispered, you heard some muffled speaking in your ear as you ran down and calmy entered the apartment, Bucky not far behind you. 

"If you're with Stark there is no way we will be coming with you," The boy spoke through a thick European accent.

You looked around, the only thing lighting in the old living room was some candles, it was clear they had been squatting here since the raid against Strucker.

You thought about what he said, "What do you have against Stark?" They all looked toward you, Cap had a worried look on his face, "I mean, I understand, I'm not a fan either but, was there a specific reason?" You added, trying not to sound defensive of the Iron Man.

The twins looked to each other, a sadness washed over their faces, you stepped closer to them as they explained they're past experience with the man, they told you about the days they spent waiting for Tony Stark to kill them, you turned to Steve, his jaw hung open as he listened.

You walked over and took Wanda's hand, 
"I am so sorry," You were surprised when she let you, "of course you wouldn't want to be around that man, but you can trust me when I say, he's changed, as soon as Tony found out what was happening with his weapons in the wrong hands he stopped production."

Wanda wouldn't look you in the eye and Pietro only glared as you spoke, "Please, if you help us we can take down Hydra, you want that right?" the twins looked to each other, this would only work if both of them agreed.

"We know you let Stark take the scepter, you wouldn't have done that if you didn't want to help," Cap spoke up walking closer.

Eventually, they agreed, on a trial basis, they'd help us find and take down more Hydra bases, but if they didn't want to stay, if they didn't want to become Avengers and work for Tony Stark, we had to take them back here.

Everyone walked back to the Quinjet, the twins held hands as they walked, watching as you followed behind them you couldn't help but be reminded of your own brother, you looked to your feet before you felt someone walk over next to you.

"You okay?" Bucky asked, his hand firm at the small of your back, you looked up at him smiling and nodded. 

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