"Don't worry doll"

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*Bucky's POV*

As I walked through the now empty base heading for the exit I heard a struggle in the distance, I promptly ran around the corner to see if it was a teammate in need but I was too late.

I saw y/n laying on the floor with a Hydra agent straddling her, I followed her eyes as they looked toward the knife in her stomach. Panicked, I struggled to get the gun from my back but I managed to aim and shoot the attacker, as he fell off of her I ran over, sliding down onto my knees to properly look at the wound.

"Y/n has been stabbed, we're by the South Exit." I yelled into coms, the entire blade of the knife was stuck in her side, the handle covered in dark blood. "It looks bad guys, get here quick." I forced the fear out of my voice, looking into her eyes as I slid my hand under her head.

"Don't worry doll, okay? Stay awake for me please." I pleaded, my vision becoming blurry as tears welled in my eyes, she looked straight through me.

The man who had stabbed her spluttered out a final, "Hail Hydra."

I quickly picked up my gun and shot the man again before turning my attention back to the girl I love, her eyes slowly closed as a red streak dribbled out her mouth.

Natasha and Bruce came running over, I thanked God quietly that Bruce wasn't green, "Okay we gotta get her into the jet can you carry her?" He asked me.

It took me a second to process what he was saying, but holding back more tears I nodded and picked her up, my metal hand still supporting her head and my other hand under her knees, Natasha quickly put her hands under y/n's back to ensure the blade didn't move under her skin and we carried her to the Quinjet.

I felt helpless. Bruce, Natasha and Tony were trying to save her on the table in the center of the Quinjet and all I could do was sit and watch, I couldn't make out what they were saying, the fear and anger clouding my brain as I watched more blood drenched cloths being thrown to the floor.

Steve had walked over and sat next to me, I kept my eyes glued to hers, looking for any sign of improvement, he placed a hand on my back, "She's gonna be fine Buck," He spoke softly.

I held my head in my hands and quietly convinced myself he was right. She was going to be fine, she had to be, I don't know what I would do if she wasn't.

It felt like days had passed, they had managed to close the wound and she was finally stable, now all we could do was wait for her to wake up. I sat in a chair next to the bed she lay on, my elbows resting next to her as I held her hand to my forehead. I heard someone walk in behind me but I couldn't take my attention away from her, the distraction placed a hand on my shoulder, forcing me to look up to check who it was.

"You've been here for hours Barnes, go get some rest I'll watch her." Natasha spoke quietly, as if she didn't want to disturb y/n's slumber.

I shook my head as I looked back to her, bringing her hand to my lips I softly kissed her knuckles, "I can't, I have to be here if something happens." I spoke even quieter than the redhead but only because I hadn't said anything since y/n passed out.

"At least let me sit with her too." She replied, rounding the bed to pull up a chair.

We sat in silence for a while, Natasha watching as her chest slowly rose and fell with each breath, and I carried on silently praying to every God I could think of that she would wake up, her hot hand in mine being the only comforting thing I could find about the situation.


Damn u probably look so hot laying on ur deathbed 🥵🥵

In Love On Fire * Buckyxreader *Where stories live. Discover now