"That's a red card!"

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The next morning you woke up first, you lifted your head from Bucky's chest, watching him for a moment as he slept; His soft featured glittered in the morning sun, you had no choice but to stare and memorise the beauty.

You then reached over and grabbed your phone, seeing more notifications than usual - texts from people you barely knew and tags on random people's posts - you checked them all quickly.

"Fucking Stark."

He had decided to include pictures of the fight, and then of you and Bucky smiling in each others arms, in his Instagram post about the party. Everyone was texting you, some congratulating you, some threatening you, and some just plain confused. Fans of the team were reposting the pictures "reporting the news" to their followers and there was even a couple of articles about them. You stopped yourself from going to far down your never-ending timeline and got dressed to confront Tony, leaving the soldier to sleep peacefully ignorant.

"Tony you are the most infuriating man!" You yelled as you entered the kitchen where he and the almost everyone else was. He twisted his brows in confusion as you backed him into the corner, "Why'd you post that?"

A smile stretched across his face, "Hey! There was no other pictures of you from last night, I couldn't just not include you." He chuckled.

You punched him in the arm before turning to walk away, "I hate you man." Taking the bagel he had been making, you went to sit at the table, "So we're going after that first Hydra base today right?"

Steve nodded, "Yeah the whole teams going, it's the smallest one so it'll be simple we can just talk it over on our way there."

"We might have to split you and Cyborg up though." Tony giggled as he made himself another bagel, you pointed finger guns at him and shot flames at his feet, "Hey! No! That's a red card!" He yelled, moving behind the counter as he glared at you.

Later in the day everyone got suited up and piled into the Quinjet, you and Bucky knew after the situation from the days before that you had to keep it professional, only sharing glances across the way as you got prepared for the mission. You slipped a small knife into your thigh holster and another one in a sheath in your shoe, you then put a small handgun into a holster on your hip - that one was only for emergencies.

Natasha walked over to you and started picking up a few of the small weapons that were laid out for herself, "You excited?" She asked giving you a small nudge in the ribs.

You stayed facing the table as you loaded a gun for her, "For the mission? Of course, one step closer to taking down Hydra once and for all."

Natasha scoffed, "No not that, this is your first combat mission as a official Avenger,"

A small smile crept over your face, with everything else going on you had almost forgotten you were an official member now, apart from the constant articles you saw about it all, you handed her the gun, and leaned against the table.

"I hadn't thought about it that way, I guess I am excited."

The mission started off easy, the team broke into the Hydra base easily, it was much less active than the other bases the twins had told you about - so an easy start. Taking down the soldiers who hid around every corner of the small scale building was a breeze for the team.

Stark had found some of the information they had deleted last time, he downloaded it all while the rest of the team continued sweeping the floors. You and Natasha were in one of the rooms struggling to beat the hordes of men that came your way, until suddenly your vision filled with blue light, sweeping out under their legs and making the soldiers all fall to the ground.

"I thought you guys might want my help," Pietro said smirking before he sped off out the door.

Natasha and you had split up and you were leaving for the exit, you thought everyone near there would have been dealt with so you didn't bother with the whole 'check every corner' thing Cap had drilled into your head.

You really wished you had bothered with it though as a hydra agent jumped out from a hallway to your right and tackled you to the ground, you tried you push him away but he had the element of surprise to beat you, Taking the knife out from your holster, he stabbed you just below the ribs.

Your breath caught in your throat as you looked from the man to the knife that was now buried deep in your abdomen and covered in a deep crimson. You heard a gunshot, and the man fell to your side before you saw Bucky sliding down onto his knees next to you.

"Y/n was stabbed." "Get here quick." Was all you were able to decipher as your head filled with fog. He looked down at you and put his cold metal hand under your head, your eyelids became heavier, you wanted to stay awake to hear what he was saying to you but you felt a pressure in your side that was screaming at you to go to sleep.

The last thing you heard was "Hail Hydra" from the man laying next to you.

The last thing you saw was a faint outline of the man you love.


Sndidjeb I refuse to let these bitches be happy 😌😌

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