Chapter 3

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A few weeks later

The sun's rays illuminated Tiffany's bedroom. The sun sparked on the glass lightbulb case. The white room filled with the rainbow light that usually occurs when light is shone at a crystal.

Today was the day. The day where Tiffany and her family would meet with Aaron and his family, to discuss the wedding date. She knew that she and Aaron would have to do a lot of persuading in order to get their wish and marry within the next sixth months.

Tiffany had received a few more messages from that unknown number. She had blocked it completely and believed she was finally free of that nuisance, when her phone rang and a no caller ID was shown. She answered, believing it to be her doctor, wanting to do a checkup and other female healthcare checks. However, when she answered the call, a strange male's voice was on the other end. It was deep, nothing like her doctors voice.
"Hello." Tiffany answered.
"Finally so good to hear your voice." The person replied.
"Wh...who is this?" Tiffany questioned, fearful. She knew that this person was the same person from the messages. She knew his motive. She also knew she should put down the call. However, curiosity got the better of her.
"Darling, you should know. After all, you are mine."
With that Tiffany ended the call and blocked the number. She quickly downloaded all her contacts and her pictures onto the phone, removed the sim, broke it using her two fingers and binned it.

She proceeded to get ready for her guests to arrive. She wanted to make a good impression on her future in laws. She had never met them and felt that a burgundy long maxi dress with a silvery gold embellishment around the waist was suitable. It covered her whole body excluding her arms. For that she had put a white long sleeved top underneath.

Tiffany wasn't a fan of short dresses and shorts and mini skirts. True she would wear them, but was more comfortable in longer covering attire. She brushed her naturally straight hair and let it ball behind her shoulders. She put on a little eyeliner, mascara and lip stain and was ready. She had clear skin and so didn't feel the need to use concealer or foundation.

The guests were scheduled to arrive around mid afternoon, that would give her plenty of time to eat and help lay drinks and snacks out ready to serve the guests. Her had ingrained into the family that hospitality was key and that no guest should leave a house feeling hungry. Although Tiffany found this strange before, she understood why her father made it a priority to serve guests with fruit, biscuits, coffee and tea, something he had learned from a few Middle Eastern friends when he was younger. He claimed and swore that that was how he had won her mom's family; snacks and coffee.

Walking down the stairs, her mom was waiting for her in the lounge. "Oh my darling, you look wonderful. Boys doesn't your sister look stunning?" Her mom said as she turned to her sons. "Yes mom definitely." they agreed in unison. "Tiff," her eldest brother Jason said, " Tiff, they should feel blessed and grateful, that they have an amazing girl like you. You will be an amazing addition to the family." In the corner of the room, opening the windows, allowing a breeze to enter the lounge, Melissa scoffed. She didn't hate her husband's sister, rather was envious of her. She was loved and adored. Melissa's family on the other hand, had wanted nothing to do with her, ever since she married into a rich family; practically full of doctors. Her parents hated her for not giving them money; money they would spend on drugs and other illegal substances. She sighed and just carried on with the chores. She figured a smile , whether it was genuine or fake, was the best way to move forward, for her, her husband and her son.

The doorbell rang and everyone jolted up in unison. "Right." said Tiffany's mom Amanda, " Ok, we are going to smile and be polite. No smirking." she glared softly at Stefan, " and no funny talk." she glared sternly at Jason. "In true spirit of the penguins, we are going to 'smile and wave.'" She chuckled as she lightly patted her daughter's hand and hurried to open the front door.

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