Chapter 1

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Her golden hair was flying in the wind as he spun her around ecstatic with her answer. Yes. A simple word that would change his life for the better. Finally after so many years of playing hard to get, so many years in med school together, the fun the torment, she finally accepted him. Tiffany had agreed to marry Aaron.

Truth be told they were fresh out of med school and at 25 years old, they both agreed that marrying within the next 6 months would be best, especially if they are separated and sent to different hospitals to complete their training years as junior doctors.

As the sun set, Aaron stroked Tiffany's hair as she laid her head in his lap, watching the horizon. The pink and red colours in the sky merged together into a beautiful shade of pinky red. Aaron smiled, grateful he found his soulmate. He stroked her golden locks. She was beautiful. Long golden locks, beautiful faint freckles on her cheeks, gorgeous brown eyes similar to those of a gazelle's. He chuckled.

"What's so funny?" Tiffany asked.
"Nothing my darling, I am just thinking of a nickname of yours."
"Oh, which one? You have given me a few." Tiffany raised her head as well as her hand to count " There's the usual darling and dear" she raised two fingers, " then there's the normal Tiff, my love, my life and...."
Aaron cut her off " Tiff, think outside the box there's a couple only I call you and no one not even your previous boyfriends have called you."

"Firstly, I've only had one boyfriend and we were 12. Secondly I can't think of anything else you call me." Replied Tiffany. Aaron pulled her into a hug, "Oh I'm sure you can my beautiful gazelle eyed love." He said.

" Oh of course you were talking about gazelle eyes." Tiffany giggled.

"And let's not forget Mrs Peabody when you get annoyed." Aaron laughed to which Tiffany also joined in with laughter. "Come on its dark, we must get back home before your mom gets worried, especially now you live back with her." Aaron said as he picked up the blanket and the picnic basket. "What do you think she will say once she sees the ring on my finger?" Tiffany inquired.

"The usual motherly reaction. First she will scream with joy and then laugh and then cry that her only daughter is going to leave the nest again.

Remember what it was like when you were 18 going into your student accommodation?"

"True, although you got to admit, my sister in law Melissa will be thrilled. She doesn't not like me at all and then she will probably give my room away to my nephew Tyler."

"Yes, but guess what? you win the jackpot, we will share a room. If that's not winning the lottery, I don't know what is." Aaron laughed as he put the items into the boot of the car.
"Cocky much? Remind me why I agreed to marry you?" Tiffany asked, with a fake look of disgust.
"Because you lawve me." Aaron replied in a childish voice.

"Please, never use that tone of voice ever." Tiffany fake retched and then giggled, as he drove to her house.

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