Chapter 2

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"Tiffany's homeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!" Tyler screamed as he came downstairs and flung himself into his aunt's arms.

"Mommy's making me take a bath and I don't want to." The seven year old fake cried as Tiffany was putting him

For a seven year old, he was very intelligent, knew all his times tables up to 23 and knew words that would baffle any older person let alone children his own age, but then again what would you expect from someone who's parents are surgeons. His mom is a part time general surgeon whereas his dad is an ophthalmologist. (Eye surgeon dear reader.)

Melissa ran down after her son trying to reason with him "Ty, you will get a hot chocolate with cream and extra marsh mellows and you can even put the hot chocolate pod into the machine, if you come and have a shower, you are dirty and need to be cleaned. I'm not washing you myself and you know that so unless you want me to make you take a shower see you without any of your clothes...." That was enough to send Tyler running to the bathroom to have a shower. Melissa smiled as she watched her son go upstairs, her expression changed into a more stern one when she turned to Tiffany.

"Good evening Tiff, you are back rather early, in fact you shouldn't have come back at all."

"Hello to you to Mel," Tiffany retorted. "Lovely mood swings we having," walking to the lounge where her mom was watching her daily episode of Masterchef.

Laying down next to her mom she kissed her on the cheek, "Good evening mom."

Her mom paused the episode and turned to her daughter hugging her, "Good evening my darling, how was your day? Hope you haven't been missing your meals, look at your arms. If you want to be a surgeon, you will need to have a firm hand, which requires eating food and not just living off air."

"Mom I'm fine, Aaron made this beautiful picnic and...." she raised her hand in to show the ring.

Aaron was right the first thing her mom did was scream, but it was more of a whisper. She then hugged her daughter saying "my beautiful beautiful daughter. Oh my dream has come true. My third child is going to get married. I'm so happy but you will also be leaving the house and...." her voice started to break and tears welled up in her eyes.

Tiffany held her mom tightly   "my dear mother, I will always be yours and only your Tiffany. I know dad isn't here anymore to comfort you, but you have me forever and always. You also have Stefan, Jason and Robert, although he's in a completely different city in uni. But he would drop everything to come running to you mom. Don't get upset. We will be living in the same city and there's this new thing, it's an amazing invention. I'm not sure you have heard of it mom, seeing as you are old, it's called a mobile phone." Tiffany laughed as she tried to dodge her moms failed attempts at throwing several pillows at her.

"Tiffany Elizabeth Michaels!!! I am not even 50 yet and you call me old. How dare you!" Her mom fake shouted at her as Tiffany was running out of the corridor, completely unaware who she would land into.

Her brother Jason. The eldest sibling. Tyler's dad and one of her best advice givers. "Watch it Tiffy, you will break a bone and don't come to me. Stefan may be the better person to go to. He could refer you to a specialised."Jason's laugh boomed throughout the lounge. He not only was referring to Tiffany, but was also referring to his dislike towards Stefan's career choice." Jason, don't laugh. We know you don't like Stefan being a GP. But he's happy and he is grateful that he doesn't have to do long hours or be on call or do night shift. And he treats patients the same as you." Tiffany tried to argue and defend her brother, but sadly to no avail.

"Tiff, please, he was talented. He could have been a surgeon. He would have been amazing. He chose a path that is easy. Yes he's a doctor, but I still don't see the point of him being a GP, especially as he is a guy. Then again he's better than Robert, he went to law school. Completely ruined the family name and tradition. I will always be disappointed in him."

"Brother, he is happy in law school. And let's face it you dislike anyone who isn't a surgeon. I'm surprised you don't hate me."

"No Tiff, you are going to be a neurosurgeon. You are my younger sister, my life."

Tiffany huffed. "If I was your life, you would have noticed something very important."

"Like what?" Jason challenged as Tiff held her hand up to show the ring, right as Stefan walked into the lounge, followed by a bathed and clean Tyler and his mom.

"Is that an engagement ring?" Stefan asked rhetorically, continuing with the questions." Are you getting married? To Aaron? What am I saying? Why am I stupid? Congrats sister." He said whilst hugging his sister.

Jason laughed and pulled Tiffany into a hug whispering into her ear "he asked me for permission. I already knew."
"Congrats Tiff" Melissa forced herself to say.

The family sat together in the lounge watching a film, whilst face timing Robert, who was very happy for his older sister.

A few hours later

As Tiffany came out of the shower, her phone buzzed with her fiancé's number on the screen.

Answering the call, she was bombarded with questions. "Did you get home safely? Did you eat? Did you tell your family? How did they react? Did your mom react like how I said she would? Did she cry? Are you tired? Do you like the ring? Did you..."

Tiffany cut him off. When Aaron was nervous he rambled and had to be cut off. "Yes to the first question. Yes with the ring. Yes. And all the questions you ask only have the answer yes."

"I'm glad I'm going to marry you my love."

"Me too." However there was one question burning in Tiffany's mind. His family. They have known each other for nearly 7 years and Aaron did not talk about his family much. He would dismiss the topic or just change the subject completely.

But if she is going to live with him, she should know. "Aaron darling?"
"Yes my gazelle eyed beauty."
"I want to ask a question."
"Ask away."
"The topic isn't suitable for over the phone, but we need to get it out of the way."
"Why won't you tell me anything about your family? You have met mine. Why don't I know yours?"

Aaron sighed. "You're right. You need to know. Ok where do u start? Mom died when I was 8 in a car accident.  So dad made his only sister and her only daughter move in. Her husband had divorced her and dad felt that he could protect his younger sister and his niece whilst also allowing us to have a maternal figure. I have one older brother and one younger sister. I think that's about it."

"Well it's a start."

"What do you mean?"

"It doesn't matter. I want to know more in the future. But thanks for telling me. You are the best. I'm going to need to hang up because we both have a shift and you know how harsh they are on junior doctors. And we need our beauty sleep."

"You are right. Goodnight my love."
As Tiffany hung up the call, she noticed how there were a few messages from an unknown number.

They read:
I know you are Tiffany Michaels.
I also know you are engaged.
You are making a mistake. You deserve better. Much better. More than anyone can give you. You deserve my love.

Tiffany did not respond. She quickly deleted the messages and placed her phone on the other side of the room. She tossed and turned until eventually she fell asleep.

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