"Yes jaden I will" I laugh while a tear drips from my face. Me immediately pulls me into a kiss. It was a kiss filled with love. Full love pure love. Then he gives me a hug

"I love you I love you I love you" jaden mumbles into my neck

"Ok I made your favourite macaroni and cheese. I know you don't like to eat but you have to. I will feed you if you don't Nicole. I care about you Nikki I want you to be healthy and to be healthy you need to eat. So please eat love" Jaden says pulling the chair out for me to sit in it

"Mmm fine" I agree. Ok Nikki you got this. Your eating ok you got This come on

We ended up talking and laughing eating dinner it was really good. Jaden drank 3 glasses of wine and he's kinda tipsy and drunk. Well technically legally he is drunk. Like I had to help him up the stairs. We both got ready for bed and I cleaned everything up

"You know Nikki I love you" Jaden says as I rest my head on his chest

I just smile at him and kiss him. Ok I might seem bad of me for not being able to say it back yet but I just can't. Only time will tell when I'm ready. I need to see what's gonna happen

"Goodnight jaden" I say cuddling him

"Night baby" he says and I fall asleep

Next morning

"Jaden baby wake up" I say sitting up and lightly tapping him on the face and he woke up

"Nooo stay a little longer I don't wanna go back to sway yet" jaden whines

"Jaden come on get up" I say shaking him

"Noooo 5 minutes" he says pulling me onto his chest

"See comfy right. Now we stay here for 5 minutes" jaden says and I could just hear the smile in his voice

"Ughhh fine only because your cute" I say and I wrap my arms around him and he squeezes me tighter

"Ok ready to go. I ordered an Uber for you already" I tell Jaden. We got up and ready already he's wearing the clothes that he came to my house in. It's like 10:00am. I ordered an Uber because we want our relationship to be kinda a secret for now and it would be kinda sus if someone saw me drop him off there

"Ughhh yes I am. I'm gonna miss you love" Jaden says hugging me as tight as he can

"I'm gonna miss you too baby but we gotta get back to work you know. You can come over whenever just text me and I'll tell you if I'm home or not" I say kissing him on the cheek

"Fine I will most definitely do that. Everyday..." he says making me giggle

"Well your ubers here." I sigh telling Jaden as we got to the front of the apartment place

"I love you I love you I love you. Bye I'll see you soon later I don't know but I'll text you later. Goodbye" Jaden says kissing me after and I kiss him back

"Bye bye baby" I say as he walks away to the Uber. I get to my car and let out a sigh

That was such a good week to be honest just there with Jaden relaxing and being lazy. Now I'm going to my parents house to pick up my dog and say hi then I got a meeting later today with my managers

This is the fit for today. Day 826363928 of dressing like a little boy

 Day 826363928 of dressing like a little boy

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