"Correct! The house will be mine and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it!"

"You can have the house Lena! But you'd have to buy it from me first!"

Lauren slammed so powerfully the woman almost choked, her silky ivory fingertips sliding into her deep pockets to pull out a sheet of paper with her name dripping all over it.. the bills the bricks the water all the way down to the plot of land it sat on.. Lauren's!

"W- This isn't possible! It is my sons house! It can only be passed through family!"

"Sí.. but with a 10 million dollar tip you'll be surprised who the letting agents consider 'family' Lena! I told you I am smarter than your games! Smarter again to my loyalty which lies 100% with Camila! Even if she hates me right now because you managed to brainwash her!"

Lauren scoffed smugly letting the woman keep her little document as a reminder while Lena clamped her jaw with pressing fists, her body thrusting forwards to lunge at the elder who simply stepped to the side sending the aunt heavily into the floor.. not even a single brush against her skin and she was flawed with the young teacher now towering over her with a smile

"You lied to her today! Made her feel like you cared about her! Loved her! Cherished her! None of that was true, not a single fucking word of it! The only thing in your mind keeping you here being the house that I now own! So what's the next move Lena? Is that it? No more Camila?"

Lauren began, her eyes burning with the intent to hit the woman.. force her head into the concrete until she tasted blood over her plump lips.. she refrained however.. stood back only respecting Camila's feelings towards her even if they didn't mean anything...

"You'd love that wouldn't you child!"

"The only thing I love in this situation is the girl I have put my entire life on the line for! My money my reputation my career! I would give up everything to keep her safe! Happy! I would sell everything I have and burn every dollar in my account if it meant she could flash that ridiculously beautiful smile for the rest of her life!"

Lauren began with a raised tone so sharp it felt like razor wire, the passion in her words one she hadn't intended but not protested as she clench her fists beside her thighs to yell down at the very woman causing the problems in the first place..

"The issue is, you have convinced that poor fucking girl that you feel the same way! Which means if you walk away now you're going to kill her! Her finding out that you're a lying cheating scumbag will hurt but it's a whole shit tone better than her being abandoned by someone she believes to love her!"

Lauren spat with one final echo of her aching lungs, the spite and passion in her words so dominating the woman still on the floor could hardly move.. she didn't know what to say frankly as true to the teachers words everything she had been staying for was now out of reach in the most expensive way possible.. she only shuffled slightly to clamp her jaw in a position she couldn't figure how to escape..

"She already believes you are lying! You don't stand a chance niña! Even with your bullshit money you can't stop me from walking away!"

"My entire life I had the things I loved and cared about ripped away from me because I was nothing but a scum Latin foster kid! People took! And snatched and stole things from me because I was too weak to fight back! But I grew cunt and know how to keep the shit I love! I love Camila and I will not let you steal her from me with your lies!"

Lauren began before pacing forwards into the woman's half sat body, the slow intimidating kneel in front of her face one that left Lena gulping unfortunately exposing her weakness as the teacher lay her wrist over her knee while the other pulled out her phone pressing subtly against a button in her lap before glancing back up

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