JeffMads and some angst for y'all *insert evil laugh*

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Hey you guys! This story is for MadyPalm-Writer who asked for some angsty Jeffmads. Enjoy!


It was a lazy Sunday afternoon of July. The sky was covered with a misty veil of clouds and the air was so hot and sticky it was almost difficult to breathe. People were gathering in the small church in the southern part of the city, leaving the children to play in the park nearby, looked at by their elder siblings. Several kids were playing hide-and-seek, some of them were dangerously climbing the big oak tree that was in the exact centre of the park, while the more responsible ones were sitting and chatting on the park benches. One particular kid, a very short and sickish boy, stood out from the little crowd: he was peacefully laying on the grass on his belly, his little chubby legs swinging back and forth, and a huge book open in front of him. He was reading in a very absorbed way – a very serious frown on his childish face and his lips silently muttering every word – while keeping trace of the right line with his tiny index finger.


The kid ignored the voice that was calling him – he'd already learned that if he ignored them long enough, the other children usually left him alone. He suddenly felt someone gently pocking him on the back with a stick.


"What do you want?" he groaned and raised his eyes from his book to look at the funniest little child he'd ever seen – his curly hair was so big it seemed that his head was three times bigger than the rest of his slender body.

"Wanna play swords?"

"No, thank you."

"What are you reading?"

"It's called encyclopaedia."

"Do you know how to spell that?"

"Of course."

"Then do it, if you spell it wrong you have to play swords with me though."

"E – N – C – Y – L – O – P ..." the other boy seemed not to know the right spelling as well, "E – I – A – D – I – A."

"Did you spell it right?"

"Of course I did."

"Oh, ok," the tall boy seemed upset, "can I read with you at least?"

"I don't know –

"What's your name?"

"I'm James, and you?"

"I'm Thomas, nice to meet you," the boy smiled and James's heart jumped a beat – was he getting sick again? He mentally noted to ask his mother later – "are you reading about mockingbirds? I love them, d'ya know they can produce more than two-hundred different calls?"

"I didn't know that."

"So, can I read with you or not?"

James though it up for a moment, then shifted a bit to the side to make some space for the other boy, who had already forgotten about his sword-like stick and was now looking at the pages with eyes full of awe.

"This book is so beautiful!"

"D'you like books?"

"I love them."

"Maybe we can be friends," James shot a quick glance to the boy next to him, who instantly gave him another bright smile, "if you want to."

"OK," he beamed, "we'll be great friends, you'll see."

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