Jamilton Fluff, or the fishing trip with President Washington

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Hi again! So, this one is for Onemorefandomfan who asked for some tsundere-y Jamilton fluff at the park. I realised that is hard to organize a whole story in 1500 words, especially when I have to write about my favourite cinnamon rolls.

Ps. please take a moment to appreciate fyliyy's drawing of Alex and Jefferson fighting in the Cabinet, I LOVE IT.


"Enough!" George Washington burst out at last, frowning at the two men in front of him who'd been shouting at each other for the last thirteen minutes and were now on the verge of fighting, "I can't stand your arguing anymore, you have to find a way to cooperate," he rubbed his temples with a tired expression, "Jefferson, just let Hamilton go."

The taller man released Hamilton's waistcoat with a snort, and Hamilton lowered his fists with a vexed look – what did Washington mean with 'cooperate'?

"Hamilton, son, I –

"Sir, Jefferson started it!"

"What?" Thomas turned around with an incredulous face, "did he really said it?"


They both crossed their arms and looked at the President, who was quickly running out of patience. He walked back and forth with his hands behind his back for a couple of minutes, trying to calm down, and finally sat on his chair, sighing deeply before coming down with the verdict.

"Gentlemen, we're going fishing next week."

For a moment, no one talked. Then Jefferson's voice broke the silence.

"You're joking, aren't you?"

"I'm not."

"But Sir, I have to go back to Monticello next week, I have some meetings –

"I don't care, Mr Jefferson, consider it a work business and tell your guests they'll have to wait."

"Sir, it's not only him," Hamilton stepped in, "I have so much work to do, I can't take a break and go fishing," he spat the last two words as if he was repugned by the thought.

Washington completely ignored Hamilton's last comment and headed to the door.

"I'll see you on Monday, we're going to Sandy Hook. Remember to bring a pair of comfortable shoes."

He went away without another word. Hamilton turned around to face Jefferson with an enraged expression.

"I fucking hate you," he stated before following the President outside the room.


It was a beautiful day of June, the ocean was almost calm and a cool breeze was coming from south-west. The perfect day for fishing, the president had claimed.

"Jefferson, shouldn't you bringing a fishing rod with you?" Alexander looked askance at the other two men as they walked toward the beach.

"I won't fish."

"I thought this was a fishing trip."

"First of all, this is a nightmare," Thomas muttered to himself with a sigh, "I brought a book with me, I'll leave the fish for you two."

"Alexander, let's see who's the best at fishing, shall we?"

"Sir, you won't stand a chance against me."

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