Chapter 16

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The two of them lied there, just gazing. She had finished telling him stories and how to find each constellation a while ago. They were simply admiring the endless night sky and enjoying each other's presence. Midoriya never wanted this night to end but a question plagued his mind.

"Do you think I'm weak?"

This shocked (Y/n) a bit. She didn't know how to answer him properly with such a vague statement. Unfortunately mind reading wasn't one of her talents.

"Can you elaborate on that?"

"I'm the only one of the princes who needs a body guard. Don't get me wrong I'm grateful that I have you with me but I just feel so weak because I need someone to protect me"

She considered how she would reply to that for a couple seconds.

"Well, you might not be the most physically strong, but you make up for that with strategy. You're going to make a strong leader for the kingdom one day."

"Thank you, but you don't need to sugarcoat it"

"I'm not, I may be physically strong but I've seen the way your mind works, when you become king you are going to be an incredible leader."

(Y/n) seemed to ponder something for a while.

"If you're insecure about your fighting skills I can teach you basic combat skills if your mother would allow it"

"Really! You don't have to if you don't want to, I don't want you to feel like you have to"

"No seriously, I don't mind if it would help you gain confidence in yourself"

He glanced at her. Her eyes were still focused up but she seemed sincere.

"Thank you, honestly."

"It's no trouble"

"Yes but your willing to teach me, someone who has almost no experience in combat, just because of a stupid insecurity of mine."

"We all have insecurities, if something as simple as teaching you to fight can help I will"

"Are you insecure about anything"

Midoriya immediately covered his mouth. He didn't think beforehand about what he was asking of her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think about what I was asking before it came out of my mouth and I really don't want to offend you or make you think tha-"

"Yeah, I do"

She knew that he would go on if she didn't cut him off about how sorry he was. He told her his insecurities she felt that it was only fair that she share hers with him.

"I don't know if you could tell because I never speak but I'm really bad with social cues. I often make things awkward with how I communicate"

He was a bit taken aback.

"Well, I can help you with that! I'm sure everyone will be patient with you knowing how you never really spoke before. I'm sure they'll be happy with just hearing your voice."

She sighed at this.

"When we get back to the castle I'm not going to talk anymore. I'll speak with you but only in private, I'm sorry"

"But why?"

He looked back up with her.

"Along with the other reasons, right now there are a lot of eyes on me. People look to me to be able to solve the problem with all for one. I need to be seen as something almost mythical so the population can trust in my protection, if I start to seem more human to people they'll lose faith even if non intentional. I need to be able to bare that and any burden necessary to insure everyone's life is spared, even the corrupted."

"Is that why you didn't kill the people back when we were traveling to Todorokis Kingdom?"

"Exactly. I'm the protector of you so by default I am the protector of the people. I can't keep people safe if I kill them, I'm not Bakugou"

Both of them let out hearty laughs. They spent the rest of the night together, cracking jokes and enjoying the moments that they don't have to deal with the pressures of the world.

Hey, so I want to update again today but I couldn't really figure out how to make it into an entire chapter so why not just write fluff. I'm feeling lonely okay, don't judge me. The next chapter should be out in an hour or so!
What are your zodiac signs? I'm a Taurus!
As always have a good morning, day, and night!

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