Chapter 5

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Palaces are some of the most beautiful structures one could see. Midoriya took pride in how elegant his was. The intricate details are incredible, it seemed nearly impossible. They paled in comparison to the pure magic that was the Todorokis palace.

It seemed to be made of glass, as if it was touched it would collapse, but it was as sturdy as any. The way the light reflected off it made it sparkle like only the purest of gemstones. It was taller and more intricate than any one eye could see. (Y/n) had been told that their kingdom was beautiful,

but this was insanity.

As marvelous as it was, Inko knew better than to praise him. She was greeted by the king, the ruler of one of the most legendary societies in the continent, the almighty Enji Todoroki.

As the younger two marveled at the beauty that was the palace, Inko could see right through it. As clear as the crystals it was made of, she saw Enji for exactly who he was, a selfish, abusive, horrible person.

He might rule one of the most prosperous kingdoms in existence, he was truly evil.

Oh sure, his accomplishments were one to admire. Crimes are at an all time low, his military is a force to be reckoned with, trading with him supplies about a third of their food supply, he's allied himself with many, including a group of well known pirates, and he's established a sense of peace and equality throughout his land.

To the average person he would seem like an incredible ruler, a saint even, but it's behind the scenes where he truly shows his self.

Inko has witnessed first hand what he has done to his wife, driving her to insanity and then locking her away. He's disciplined his children to near death, one of them has actually passed away while training.

You can tell that secrets plague every member of the royal family by their eyes alone.

She walks up to him.

"King Todoroki, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Only the one addressed could properly hear the venom and pure hatred in her voice. She despised him with every bone in her body.

"The pleasure is mine queen Midoriya"

His voice was cold, he viewed her as only the resources she traded with him.

"Shall we go inside"

Another person should have broken the tension held between the two, but that wasn't the intention at all.

Ah, the highly respected, and even higher feared queen Mitsuki Bakugou.

Her and Inko were the original allied forces before Todoroki had joined, the two families had close ties for nearly two centuries.

They were a nearly unstoppable duo, a military powerhouse combined with one of the most resourcefully rich countries on the globe was bound to have rivalry, but allied with each other they could theoretically take over the world.

One problem, famine.

Allying themselves with their neighbors seven years ago seemed like a great idea, it would solve the growing problem with food and allies are supposed to be considered a good thing.

But I guess we all saw how that worked out.

"We shall"

Inko knew that with Mitsuki by her side, she would be able to contain herself, maybe for the reason of having to contain her but whatever works I guess.

Enji turned towards the other two, still in awe at the architecture he sternly pointed them in the direction of the four they were supposed to spend the next three days with.

The two groups went their respective ways and the distant shouts of a heated argument were prominent to the younger Midoriya and (Y/n). As they navigated the hallways they just followed the sound until the door was right I front of them.

It was huge, and on the other side they could hear a boy and girl absolutely tearing each other apart with their words. (Y/n) was reminded of the last meeting like this, it was actually the first time she had met them and to say it was an interesting dynamic was something. She had to stop actual fist fights from breaking out between Yaoyorozu and Bakugou.

She couldn't comprehend why they had to be constantly on each other's throats. She kind of felt bad for Kirishima and Todoroki for having to keep them under control. She wasn't too worried about Midoriya but she knew that he wasn't one to back off from someone looking down upon him.

At this point they realize they had just been standing there, staring at the door, too afraid to open it. Taking a deep breath Midoriya broke the silent on their side.

"We should probably go inside"

She didn't answer yet, she just took a breath herself. Midoriya put his hand on the door knob.

"Your highness"

He froze.

This was the first time he had properly heard her voice. It was so smooth, like honey, and sweet. He hadn't expected it to sound like that, he had suspected that she hadn't been speaking because she was either self conscious about her voice or that it physically hurt herself to talk. It was absolutely beautiful, and he was bright red.


You wouldn't expect someone to be stuttering over the sound of someone's voice, especially when it was only two innocent words, but he could feel his heart pounding against his ribs. He felt blood rush even faster in reaction to her actually responding and in fear when (Y/n) uttered her next words.

"Good luck"

Hey there! So I'm making some changes to Momos character because I hate how she was made so strong, so smart, and so beautiful, but not an ounce of confidence.
Also comment what your favorite type of flower is, my personal favorite are forget-me-nots!
That's all, good morning, day, and night!<3

Written in the starsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora