Part 23: Three Little Words

Start from the beginning

"Last warning, Titus. You have ten seconds."

Titus lost his smirk and threw a knife into the man's throat, causing him to fall off his bike and get ran over by a tire. "That's my line."

They all started shooting at him and he turned around in his seat, "Doll, I'mma need you to go a little faster."

One of the thugs came up beside him.

Titus sighed, "What, you want to bleed out of your neck too?"

"No," a feminine voice said.

He looked over his shoulder and saw a woman who didn't look too happy, "What are y-"

She jumped onto his motorcycle and hooked her arm around his neck, "You killed him!"

He rolled his eyes, "Oh boy. Break doll!"

The motorcycle stopped and Titus threw her onto the road.

Before one of the men could run over her, he pushed her onto the sidewalk and immediately got shot in his arm.

"Shit," he hissed.

The woman laughed, "You're still too fearful to kill a woman. That's what makes you weak."

Titus threw a wire over the armed man's neck before putting a bullet in his head, then walked over to her.

She immediately backed away.

He chuckled, "If I'm weak, why are you afraid?"

She remained silent.

"Go home," he said and got back onto his bike, "and move on. Valerian chose his fate, but that does not determine yours."

She blinked back her tears as he drove off.

While he was constantly trying to lose the men behind him, his motorcycle spoke up again, "Daddy, Zyla is at your house right now as we speak."

He looked afraid, "What?!"

"Would you like me to warn her to leave?"

"No," He sighed and slid more bullets into his clip, "I'm on my way there. Secure the entire house and yard. Understand?"

"Very well."

• • •

I cried into Yolarie's shoulder endlessly that night. "He's not coming back to me."

Yolarie rubbed my back, "He did the right thing."

I curled up, trying not to sob, "Is it wrong?"

"Is what wrong?"

"To love someone when it feels bad."

She sighed, "It's not wrong. You can't help how you feel, even if others see it differently."

"But after everything he di-"

"Love can blind someone," she said quickly, thinking about her girlfriend.

"I knew Auri wouldn't live long enough to spend the rest of my life with, but it still didn't make me regret a thing."

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