Part 20: Forsaken

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"So rest your weary heart and relax your mind," Titus sang as he came out the bathroom and I held in a laugh

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"So rest your weary heart and relax your mind," Titus sang as he came out the bathroom and I held in a laugh.

He was always singing that same Justin Timberlake song.

He went to the dresser and took out his ear piercing before snapping his fingers to the beat and swaying over to me, "Cause I'm gonna love you girl."

I bit my lip and he came into bed beside me, pinching my nose, "Until the end of time."

"Oooo yeaaah," I started singing like a choking bird.

He looked away from me, "Yeah... goodnight."

I hit him playfully, "Don't ignore me now."

He smiled and wrapped his arms around me. "You're never ignored," he told me rather seriously and kissed me sweetly on the lips.

He held one of my hands to his chest, and I could feel his heart pounding so fastly.

The kiss was parted and a worry fell over me. It was silent for a while before I decided to speak up. "Will we be able to trust anyone now?"

Titus sighed, "I don't know."

I looked at him with beady eyes and his heart softened.

"It's going to be okay," he stretched and got out of the bed, "Now get some rest."

"You're not staying with me?"

He bent down to kiss my head, "Don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight. I'm here if you need me okay?"

I nodded and he turned off the light, leaving me alone.

• • •

I woke up in the middle of the night.

I couldn't sleep either.

I had taken a pregnancy test and it turned out positive, but I couldn't tell him. I was scared to have another nightmare, one that could come to life.

I walked into the living room and saw him on the couch, shirtless with his face in his hands, shaking.

He was having one of those episodes again.

I could see those long red marks across his back. The ones I wished I could erase to make his nightmares go away.

I must have been too loud because he knew I was here.

He stood and looked at me with red eyes. "Zyla, I believe I told you to go to bed."

"I...I couldn't sleep."

He walked over to me and grabbed my face, searching my eyes for an answer I couldn't give, "Why is this happening to me again..?"

"Titus just tell me what's going on. Let me in," I said as I took one of his hands off my cheek to hold it tightly.

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