Part 8: In The Dark

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Everything was so hazy.

I was blinking awake and finding it hard to breathe.

"How are you going to tell her that?" I heard Titus ask.

"I won't have to, she'll know," another man responded.

I sat up.

A blue polyester blanket was wrapped around me and I was laying on a leather sofa, but it didn't look like it was in someone's house.

"There she is. Hi sunshine."

Sunshine. I knew who it was and I charged straight at him but Titus held me back.

I shrugged him off and stared straight at the tall brown skinned man.

"Hey, sis," he said with a smirk on his face.


I watched as butlers came to fill my cup up with tea.

"You have butlers now?" I asked, disgusted.

My brother ran a veiny hand through his curly hair as he took the cigarette out of his mouth.

I hated when he smoked. It smelt.

"What's wrong with having a butler or two? Would you rather me send in a maid? Too much men for your comfort?"

"Excuse me?!"

Titus let out a loud sigh, "So...sibling rivalry? It's a thing?" he tapped a painted nail on the table leaning back in his seat.

I got quiet. There was so much rage building up inside of me.

My brother took another drag, "Everything okay, sunshine?"

I stood up and threw the tea cup across the table, it shattering in front of his face. One piece cutting his cheek. I've had enough.

The security guards all stormed towards you but he held up a hand. "It's fine. Maid!" He called as he dabbed his bleeding cheek with a napkin.

"Look at me," I cried, and he ignored me as a woman with too short of a dress on came to clean up the mess, staring all disrespectfully at her hips. Not that she seemed to care. How much was he paying these people?

"Look at me!!" I screamed and everyone fell silent to me.

"Do you mind?" My brother mumbled and gave Titus the side eye.

"On it." He got out of his chair and grabbed my arm, pulling me towards the exit.

I yelled and turned my back, "I should have known you'd do something like this Valerian! What would our parents say?!"

He rolled his eyes as Titus led me to exit the room.

I clenched my fists when Titus closed the door.

"Go fuck yourself," I told him.

He stuffed his hands into his pockets, "Just might. Wanna help me out?"

"No." I walked away from him and went to sit down on the floor of a dark empty room.

I held my knees to my chest. My heart aching as tears rolled down my cheeks nonstop.

One terrible thing after another.

Where did all this bad luck come from?


I cried as girls dragged me by my shirt to sit me down on the dirty school floor. All their cameras were out, snapping away at the shoes on my feet.

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