"If we show this magnificent piece of art to the World....can you think of the fame we'll get? Can you think about it?",  said the other with gleaming eyes full of greed, "come let's go inside."

The latter stepped on the holy ash on the ground.
They tried to push open the gate but all their efforts went in vain. That is when they noticed the big lock. They smiled sheepishly thinking that they were trying to push open a locked gate.
The former took out a master key from his pocket and tried to open the massive lock.

"I think the lock's jammed. We can put some oil in it and then try."

No sooner said than done. The latter tried to pour a little amount of oil in the lock but instead poured almost a cup of oil not only on the lock but also on the ground.

Within a fraction of seconds the oil rolled off and reached the holy ash.

Within a fraction of seconds the oil rolled off and reached the holy ash

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As soon as this happened, they saw that storm clouds, dark and ominous, promising something terrible and fierce ,had gathered in the leaden sky above their heads.
The forest floor was lost to darkness.
The howls of ravenous, bestial nightmare-creatures were louder now; as if they were too close.

They heard a terribly loud cracking noise followed by a roar.
They looked back to face the gate. Standing before them was a >20ft long monstrous creature.
It roared again not before feasting on the two men and announcing its freedom with another roar.
Yes, Brahmarakshas was finally free!


"Fast fast. Only the ground floor is left right? Or you lazy people haven't yet completed the other parts of the house?", scoffed Rekha at the servants who were putting Rajanigandha flower torans on the top of windows and doors.

"No ma'am. They're done with all the floors. This ground floor is the last of all.", said Khanna.

"Ok ok. Now go and tell Rupal to give me a cup of hot tea."

"Ok ma'am."
Khanna left from there after bowing to Rekha.

"Wow Rajanigandha!", said Gauri as she entered the scene and saw the Rajanigandha flowers.

"Wow Rajanigandha!", said Gauri as she entered the scene and saw the Rajanigandha flowers

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"Yes dear. Rajanigandha will give nice smell and festive vibes and will also protect us."

"Protect us? From what buaji?"

"From the devil...I mean the Brahmarakshas."

"But Yuvi said that the Brahmarakshas can't come here. He's locked--"

"That's true but we should take all precautions incase..."

"Mam... we're done..can we go.now?" Interrupted one of the servants.

"Yes go."

The servants went away leaving Gauri and Rekha alone.

"From ages people have lived with the fear of Brahmarakshas. Even though the Brahmarakshas is locked up in a cave at the end if that jungle, we never know what'll happen next. So it's better to take all possible precautions."

"You're right buaji. But I think I've already forgotten all the precautions Taht Yuvraj asked us to take", Gauri gave her a puppy smile.

"Haha. No problem my dear. I'll tell you. The Brahmarakshas can't enter places where Rajanigandha torans are hung. It's scared of this flower. Also, that Brahmarakshas hates marriages and brides, you know. So, the brides are not dressed in the actual bridal attire."

"Yeah ...I remember this. That's why we brought a different dress for Prinku than the one we bought for the wedding."

"Hmmm I know..you all also take care of your attires...by the way Gauri, what were you doing here at midnight?"

"Umm... Woh buama .. I-I was hungry so--"

"Oh my child. Go in the kitchen and have something. I'm going to my room. Ok?"

"Ok buaji. Good night."

Rekha left after murmuring a "GOOD NIGHT" to Gauri.

Gauri walked towards the kitchen.


Precap: Gauri feels the presence of an intruder. Will Om apologize to Gauri?
Why will the just-freed Brahmarakshas do now?


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Lots of love,


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