Being Katsuki Bakugou's Older Brother

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-Besides All Might your his inspiration for being a hero

-You like to help with anything

-You could never embarass him unless you show baby pictures

-Your parents are jealous of your relationship since he's always calm around you

-When he first walked and talked it was solely because of you

-When you met the Bakusquad Katsuki was not happy they all thought you were badass and amazing

-The only time you fight is when you talk about his cute baby moments

-When you train with him you don't hold back and he appreciates but it also means he never wins

-If you have a loved one he's always questioning them

"are you taking care of my brother?"

"is he a bottom or top?"


- He one time asked if he was ever gonna get a nephew/niece

-When you tease he doesn't yell just "stop it or i'm going out with my friends instead"

-You tell him to stop bullying Midoriya he'll stop just for then he won't stop permanently

-When he got kidnapped you were on the front lines as soon as you entered you went full on Angry Bakugou Mode "WHERE THE FUCK IS MY BROTHER ASSHOLES?!"

-You thanked those who helped rescue Katsuki with gifts and you scolded the students but in secret you thanked them so much for rescuing your brother even against the rules

-At the USJ attack they also called you to come help when you arrived you blew the door open "IF ANYONE HURT MY BROTHER THEY'LL DIE"

-At the sports festival you arrived late due to hero work but you came to see Katsuki in lock and chains but he also got first place "MY BROTHER RULES! AND IF HE'S IN THE RESTRAINTS ANY LONGER I'M COMING AFTER YOU ALL MIGHT" they let him go knowing you would attack the #1 hero if it was for your brother

-On the island at heroes rising. You came as soon as possible hearing your brother got seriously injured from fighting a super dangerous villain. When he healed you threw him in the air. "You won your first fight against a super dangerous villain! Everything's on me!" You weren't even mad when you only had 5 dollars left after all it was only one of the five full wallets 

-Class 1-A was so happy when you came over it's the only time they got to see calm bakugou. Also your relationship is so damn cute

-He was disappointed in himself when he didn't get the hero license and you just trained him even harder this time with villain scenarios. When you came by for the re-take he got more nervous than before but kept a good front with you. Todoroki wished he had this brother relationship.

-He found you Katsukix(whoever you ship bakugou with) book. Instead of confronting you he just stared at the pictures blushing. You were confused to find a nose bleeding, blushing and passed out in his guest room with the book in hand

-Nicknames for him: Katsu, #1, Little Bro, King Explodo

-Nicknames for you: (shortened version of your name), Big Bro, When he was small he called you Boom Boom

Class 1-A sibling scenariosМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя