
Comincia dall'inizio

"What's got you so grumpy?" Rebekah asked him.

"Oh, I don't know," He said sarcastically, "Maybe because the only way we could get little miss sunshine over there's memory back, we needed the one and only Kol. Also, guess what? I promised Elijah to bring our siblings to him. And where are the other two? With the Salvatore's and their little whore."

At that point, the rest of them had stopped at his outburst, and all looked at Klaus with confused eyes. Although, Katherine stood behind Rory, trying her hardest not to let out a laugh.

The most confused out of everyone, Rory steps up, "Um, why would we need Kol for me to remember everything? Can't we just bibbity boppity boo them back? I am so confused, with everything."

All three of the Mikaelson's present stared at her with a blank face, all unsure of what to say, how much they should say, or how they should even say it. Elijah was the first to step out of the line they were in, scratching the nape of his neck in a nervous manner.

"You and Kol were, uh.....friends."

Rory stared back, this time, her brows were scrunched together in uncertainty. "I mean I don't know if we are friends, I have only seen him a couple times. He did tell me to think of him naked once, but I don't know if that qualifies us as friends yet."

"Of course he has," Klaus sighed, placing his hand onto his forehead as he closed his eyes in irritation before opening them and looking at Rory. "Back in 1899 up until 1908 the two of you were, close, I guess you could say.

Disregarding pretty much everything he said Rory's eyes narrowed in on him,"You douchebags! Nine years? Nine years of my life is just an empty whole in my head."

"Rora, you don't even know how hard it was to do that. For all of us, really. But we had to. For your safety." Rebekah told her lightly, grabbing onto her hand. Rory stared back into Rebekah's blue eyes, and for a moment she had a thought of recollection. For a moment, truly did felt like she knew them. But as quick as that feeling came, it left.

"I'm sorry, it's- it's just a lot to take in," Rory told her earnestly. And if anything was the truth, it would be that. Her whole life she had been told so many lies, to the point she had gotten used to it. And now, the first time sh gets the truth in a long time, it's apparently about living a life with a group of ruthless original vampires.

Right as Elijah was about to pipe in and say something, Rory's phone began buzzing from within her pocket. The girl lets out an angry sigh, expecting it to be Stefan, hoping she can throw it against the brick wall, but when she takes her phone out, 'Ric' was displayed on the screen. 

Confused, Rory picks up, holding the phone to her ear, and walking away to have some space.

"Oh, Rory, thank god. I've been trying to call you so many times."

"I know. I've hung up all those many times."

"I- what?

"Ric, if you're calling me to lecture me, I really don't want to hear it-"

"No, no, no, of course not."

Rory stood there in silence of shock, so Ric took that as his cue to continue on.

"I don't blame you kid. You chose what was best for you. As much as I don't like those originals, I can tell they care about you. That much is given. You're still the same person to me okay?"

"So you don't know anything about Stefan and Damon becoming psycho-idiots?"

"Oh, that I do know of. They haven't been telling me what they have been up to, but I can tell, it's no good. Bonnie was helping them earlier. I'm not sure for what though."

"Oh- well- um, thank you?"

"I just called to make sure you were okay. Hang in there, alright?"


When the phone hung up, she turned back to the other's with a wider smile on her face. 

In the car on the way back to the room they had, Rory began excitedly explaining about how Ric still seemed to care about her, and all four of the vampires listened to her rambling, almost as if they already weren't listening in on the actual conversation moments prior.

"So does this mean we can't kill him?" Klaus asks once they reached the room.

"No." The rest of them responded in unison.

And that night, Rory lived in content.

Maybe Aurora Salvatore was going to have a good life.



filler chapter-ish

i'm also posting later today, so that chapter will be a little longer than this one is. sorry

also, i know some of the dates that will be in here don't match up with the ones on the actual show, but for this story, let's just go with those. and don't worry, rory will get her ACTUAL memories back sometime soon. and i promise it will be worth it. trust me.

other than that, i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! see you next time!

have a wonderful day!


𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐬, kmDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora