"It seems like they're praying, but that's such an awful, surreal figure of god," Lau mused.

"That's Kali," you murmured after observing the statue. "Remember when I mentioned her earlier the other day? The one with the symbol of a tongue? If you look at the statue, she sticks out her tongue just like the drawing on those letters."

"Isn't this just a statue of a woman holding men's heads, wearing men's heads as a necklace, and happily dancing on a man's stomach?" Sebastian questioned.

"That's how I see it," Lau answered casually.

You smiled wryly. "I'm pretty sure it's just following a myth revolving around Kali. Something about waging destruction on the world after killing a demon... And um, I think the man she's on is her husband, Shiva..."

"Yes," Agni nodded, looking pleasantly surprised by your knowledge. "This is a statue of Kali, who, after defeating a demon, could not get rid of her urge for destruction and massacres. The other gods couldn't stop Kali so they decided to destroy this world, and at that time, in order to protect the world, Shiva lay down at her feet!" he shouted passionately.

"Ah, so that's why he's being trampled on!" Sebastian said in understanding. "It's just a matrimonial quarrel!"

You gave him a strange stare. "What kind of matrimonial quarrels have you witnessed...?"

"After she had trampled on her husband, the goddess returned to us and this world returned to its peaceful state. In other words, Kali is the great goddess who defeated the demon after a time of struggle. She is holding the head of the demon she defeated as proof."

"So you say," Ciel muttered, glancing at Sebastian. You did the same.

"If such a strong person exists, I should be careful when I go to India," Sebastian stated thoughtfully. You honestly couldn't tell if he was joking or not.

"So I have finished praying now. Let's go out midget! You'll be my guide!" Soma exclaimed, picking the boy up. Taking pity on Ciel, you removed him from the prince's grasp.

"I apologize, Prince Soma, but Ciel has things to do and unfortunately, cannot spare time to be your guide," you explained calmly.

"Ehhhhh?" he whined. "Then, how about you be my guide instead, (Y/n)~?!" Soma asked excitedly, grasping your hands between his and beaming at you.

You opened your mouth to speak when Sebastian decided to do it for you, chopping down on your joined hands.

"(Y/n) will also be busy with work," the butler smiled. It was the sparkly bullshit smile, and you cringed as Soma didn't get the hint, grabbing your arm again and refusing to let go.

You knew that if it had been someone else, like one of the servants, they would've already received a harsh tongue lashing. This was a guest, a prince, and so Sebastian simply wrapped his own fingers around your wrist and tugged you towards him.

"Whatttt??? How insolent, grabbing onto her like that!" Soma exclaimed, pointing at Sebastian accusingly. "And why can't she spare time for me? She can't possibly be so busy!"

"Prince Soma, you yourself showed great impertinence, grabbing a lady without regard for her," Sebastian grit out, fighting off his irritation over being called insolent by this brat. "Lady (Y/n) is a marchioness and a close aide of Her Majesty. She is always busy with her duties, and cannot spare time for a childish prince that lazes around demanding entertainment."

It was a little harsh, but... well, Soma was a bit spoiled. You figured he wouldn't stop unless it was drilled into his head, so you chose not to rebuke the demon.

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