Chapter 15

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"You're back." Toga creepily but cheerfully smiles and her eyes light up. "Hey Shigaraki! Twice! Look who's finally back!"

Twice, another member of the league of villains, looks at the group. "Good to have you back Dabi."

"Welcome back Dabi," Shigaraki smiles creepily when he sees Touya again, "I knew you'd come back eventually." He looks at Kira. "Hello kid. Welcome aboard the crazy train."

Kira shudders trying not to scream. Touya rolls his eyes but places his hand on Kira's shoulder to reassure her and remind her that he's on her side. "Don't scare off the prisoner, Tomura...I'll take her to the prison ward, I remember where it is from last time."

All For One nods. "Do what you need to do."

Once they were far away from the rest of the league, Touya unties Kira and removes her gag. "You're safe you can talk now."

"Yeah Shigaraki definitely creeps me out..." Kira shudders after rubbing her wrists. "I can't believe they fell for it."

"It's me of course they'll fall for it..." Touya smirks. "Ok. Now to find Eliza's holding room."

It seems that they were on the lowest level of the prison they would be starting from there and working their way to the top.

Meanwhile, Mr. Aizawa, Shoto and the other pro heroes were waiting outside, but Shoto maintained radio contact with Touya so he could fill them in on what was going on.

"Shoto you can still hear me right?" Touya's voice was on the other end.

Shoto nods. "I hear you loud and clear. I'm surprised you're not cutting out on my end."

"Yeah the base has a few upgrades to maintain radio contact. It's definitely darker than normal."

Shoto went silent. He was extremely worried about me. Everyone was.

"Don't worry Shoto..." Touya reassures him. "We won't stop until we find Liz."

"He's right but it might take us a while to-" Kira stops short of saying her thought when she starts shaking. "Woah...Touya d-do you feel that...?"

Touya nods. "Yeah...that's not good..."

"Kira?" Mr. Aizawa was on the radio this time. "Do you see anything in there?"

It took a while for Kira to speak up. "N-no I don't see anything...yet...b-but the temperature completely dropped in here...I-it's freezing..."

Touya nods to confirm. "Kira's right the temperature completely dropped...b-but it doesn't seem like we're near her room...nor does it seem like she hears us yet."

Shoto thinks. "Is it possible...?" Then he widens is eyes. "Oh no..."

Mr. Aizawa raises an eyebrow. "What...?"

"Touya you have to hurry and find her before this gets out of hand like it did with me."

"Gets out of hand?" Touya asks confused.

"Ok spill, Shoto." Mr. Aizawa was concerned and annoyed. "What's going on in there?"

"Since both our quirks are fire and ice they help us keep our body's core temperature in balance and maintain homeostasis." Shoto explains. "If our core temperature is too hot the ice quirk briefly takes over to cool us down until our temperature's normal. If our core temperature is too cold the fire quirk does the same thing."

"So it's as simple as Eliza getting too hot?"

"Not exactly...if her ice quirk is predominant at this time...I think she's running a fever..."

Touya suddenly remembers. "Yeah I think you're right Shoto. This happened to you before as a kid...I had to get medication to cancel your quirk temporarily."

"Yeah but I don't think that'll help this time. Eliza's never had a fever before...she's never even gotten a cold as a kid."

"Which means the league must have had something to do with it." Mr. Aizawa concluded.

"That's our guess Mr. Aizawa..." Kira replied. "If the temperature is still must mean that we're getting closer."

I had no idea what I was hearing, but I heard sounds. They were muffled or stifled because I couldn't make them out clearly. All I knew was the temperature around me continued to drop while my fever started to rise...and I couldn't control it.

"If it's a special room..." Touya was thinking about it. "Then it wouldn't have bars like the other cells's most likely a door. At any rate we have to move fast before it gets worse."


Meanwhile I was still in my holding cell or holding room where the temperature continued to drop around me. I was laying on the floor since it was the only thing around me that felt warm. I didn't hear anything at first so I assumed Toga went with the other villains for some kind of team meeting. I was completely out of it and I had no idea where I was...or how far away I was from my friends and family.

The restraints were designed to keep me from using my quirks but because I wasn't feeling well I wasn't in control of them. My ice quirk took over and broke the restraints. I took off whatever was covering my mouth and tried standing up to walk to the door, but I was way too weak and I ended up knocking something over as I collapsed on the floor again.

Touya heard the clattering sound and looked around. "It sounds like she might be awake."

"Either that or we're close." Kira guessed. "Do you think it's safe for me to call out to her?"

Touya nods. "I think we both should."

My senses were all over the place and I couldn't concentrate. I suddenly heard someone calling out to me but I couldn't figure out who it was.

"Kira..." I wasn't sure at first, so I listened closer. Once my brain registered her voice I knew it was her. "Kira!?"

"I hear her Touya." Kira finally said.

Touya nods. "Me too." He calls out again. "Liz we're almost there hold on!"

My ice quirk started leaking out of the room which showed I was there. Touya melted the door and catches me in his arms just as I fell.

"I got you Liz...I got you..." I felt Touya hold me but I was too weak to reply. "We're going to take you home now."

Kira contacts Mr. Aizawa. "We found her Mr. Aizawa...but she's very weak...and her fever's high.. "

"Get her to the hospital Kira..." Mr. Aizawa replied. "We'll meet you there."

Hero Rising: BNHA The Next Generation (Working Title)Where stories live. Discover now