Chapter 4

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The next morning I was able to open my eyes...but just barely. I touched my head and felt an eyepatch over my right eye. I didn't feel pain anymore...but I was scared to see what it looked like. I was also scared about my grandfather coming back to get me to start my training...more like start his abuse. Sure my goal is to become the number one hero of my generation...but I want to do it based on my terms...not my grandfather's.

I've been nervous about training with my dad since my grandfather's visit. I carefully lifted the patch...and the result was worse than I anticipated. The burn mark was as red as my dad's hair. It went across my right eye all the way to my ear.

"Eliza?" I heard Shoto and I quickly put the eyepatch on. "I'm just checking in...are you ok?"

I nodded. "Y-yeah I'm ok Dad. It doesn't hurt anymore...but I'm afraid to take it off...I'm afraid to use my quirks now thanks to my grandfather."

"You...won't have to worry about him anymore."

"I won't?" That surprised me. "Why not?"

"He's gone."

I heard Touya's voice and saw him standing by the door with Rei, Natsuo and Fuyumi. "W-what do you mean he's gone?"

"Turn on the news..." Was Natsuo's only answer.

I didn't realize I had a tv in my room. I take the remote and turn on the news. I saw my grandfather's face plastered on the news. I didn't get what was happening at first until I see officers. "He's...he's going away?"

"For a while." Touya explained. "He's not going to hurt you anymore...and thanks to this slip of paper I'm holding...he won't be allowed near any of us."

"What is it?"

"It's a restraining order, a document that keeps your grandfather away from you and your dad. So he's not going to hurt you anymore."

"So it means you're safe sweetie." Shoto hugs me. "He's not going to put you through what we went through."

"So he won't train me like he promised?"

"No. Only me, your dad and your uncle Touya will train you. Your grandfather won't have any part of it."

Touya had stepped out but he came back with a tub of burn cream. "Now why don't we try to start the healing process by putting some of this cream over your eye?"

I nodded but I was nervous to take the eye patch off. I had a hand mirror so I was able to see how bad it actually was. I was tearing up not because of the pain from the cream...but because of the damage of the burn itself.

Touya noticed my tears and stopped briefly. "I'm not hurting you am I?"

I shook my head. "N-no it doesn't hurt...well...not as much...i-it just looks really bad..." I started trembling a little because my grandfather had instilled so much fear in me over the span of a day. "I don't want to be anything like him...please don't turn me into him...please don't let me end up like him...please..."

Shoto and Touya looked at each other wide-eyed. Touya then reached out and held me tightly. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close to him and I instantly felt safe.

" will never turn into your grandfather..." Touya explained softly. "Your fathers and I will make sure that your training is nothing like ours. You can be the complete opposite of your grandfather. Trust me."

I nodded gently and allow Touya to finish putting the cream on my eye. It was helping with the pain but it was colder than I anticipated. Afterwards he sets the eyepatch back on so the cream can be activated.

Without realizing it I lay my head on Touya's lap. Feeling his hand gently rub my head made me feel a little safer. At the same time I started feeling tired.

Touya continues to rub my head and he noticed my eyes were closing. "You can fall asleep Eliza it's ok."

"I-I'm ok though...I'm not..." Before I could really finish my eyes closed completely...and I finally fell asleep.

"Looks like you were more tired than I thought..." He puts a blanket over me and walks downstairs to make soup and tea. It always helps for me to heal.

"Is she ok?" Izuku asks.

Touya nods. "It took some convincing...a lot of convincing...but Eliza finally fell asleep. She's a little warm but I checked her temperature and it doesn't seem like she's running a fever."

"She's physically and mentally exhausted after what she went through." Shoto says. "It's going to take her quite a while until she completely recovers from her trauma."

"I hope she heals soon..." Izuku was worried that I wouldn't make it. "I'm not sure how long her body can handle this."

"Well it's a good thing I'm taking over her training. I'm not going to be like my father that's for sure. I'm going to teach her everything I know without pushing her as hard as my father did with me. Speaking of, when exactly did you want to pass One For All to her?"

"Well I did say when she was in high school...but I might do it on her birthday...just to surprise her a little."

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea." Shoto looks at you. "Should we...check on her."

Izuku nods. "Sure if it makes you feel better."

They walked upstairs to my room and my eyes were open. I see them standing by the door and I smile.

"Hey Liz." Shoto says. "How do you feel?"

I nodded gently. "Better now. I think sleeping really helped me a lot."

"That's good." Izuku said. "Just take it easy ok?"

I nodded. "I will I promise." I then asked Izuku something. "You told me about your quirk before...what's so special about it...?

Izuku smiles. "Well...there are villains out there that are known for stealing quirks. My quirk can't be stolen."

"It can't? Why?"

He shook his head. "One day I'll explain. Right now you need to rest."

Before I knew life slowly began to turn around.

Hero Rising: BNHA The Next Generation (Working Title)Where stories live. Discover now