Chapter 11

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During our time off I wasn't sure what would happen. I especially couldn't get my first kiss with Kira out of my mind. The morning after the sleepover I get a call from Mr. Aizawa. He wanted to meet me and Kira to see how we were holding up...but he wanted us in our gym uniforms. Turns out I was still grieving...and he wanted to give us private lessons to help us out.

I call dad once my phone was charged to let him know what's going on. "I'm going to meet Mr. Aizawa at the training field near the school...he wants to work one on one with me and Kira."

Shoto nods. "Yeah he told me. Oh he also wanted you to take something. Check your sleepover bag."

I look inside the bag I packed. I was surprised by what was inside. "My hero costume...? Why does he want me to take this? I thought we were supposed to be in just our gym uniforms today."

Shoto shrugs. "Honestly he didn't say. Apparently he wants you both to take your hero outfits. That's why I packed it before you left for the sleepover. "

I was confused but I take it. "We'll be back as soon as it's over."

"Just be careful Liz. I love you."

"I will Dad I promise...and I love you too." I hang up and place my phone in my pocket. I place my hero outfit in my bag and run into Kira as I step out. "Hey Kira."

"Hey Liz, you ready for this one on one today?" Kira asks.

I shrug. "I don't know what this is about. Nor do I know why he asked for our hero costumes."

"Well maybe this will help you to least that's what Mr. Aizawa explained to me...but I'm not sure why we need our hero costumes though."

"Yeah...but we'll see what happens."

Kira and I get to the training field early. Neither of us saw Mr. Aizawa yet so we figured we'd warm up with a light sparring practice, without using our quirks for now.

About 5 minutes after Mr. Aizawa finally shows up. "Good you're both here."

"Good morning Mr. Aizawa." We said in unison.

"At least you two seem energetic." Then Mr. Aizawa saw the sadness in my eyes. " are you holding up Eliza?"

"I'm trying to hold on, Mr. Aizawa..." I was tearing up again feeling Izuku's quirk flow through me. "It feels like he's still here..."

" a way...he is still here Eliza. He became a part of you as soon as he passed One For All to you."

"Which explains why we're here? You want me to practice using it?"

"As well as your teamwork."

Kira and I look at each other. "I thought our teamwork wasn't bad Mr. Aizawa." Kira pointed out confused.

"It's fact it's pretty well. I want you two to maintain it...and strengthen it."

"In other words..." I guessed. "Not only do you want us to work with each also want us to push each other."

He nods. "Exactly...and don't hold back either."

My fears...and my sadness all began to surface. Sweat starts pouring down my forehead, my hands start shaking, and my breathing becomes labored. They were experiencing my first panic attack.

I couldn't swallow. I couldn't speak. I could barely breathe. I haven't felt like this before. I held my hair trying to slow my breathing but it just got faster. If anyone was talking I didn't hear them.

"Liz...Liz...deep breaths...deep breaths..."

It sounded like Mr. Aizawa's voice. I simply follow the voice and take deep breaths. Soon enough my breathing began to normalize...and I slowly regained my hearing. I was getting centered again.

"I'm never going to get rid of that I?"

"Maybe not right'll take some time." Mr. Aizawa he says unraveling his scarf a bit. "But sooner or'll have to face that fear...and attack it head on."

Kira and I nodded. She started getting sound waves ready by setting up her quirk she inherited from Jirou. I slowly dropped my core body temperature to activate my ice quirk. I knew ice was my stronger quirk.

"I have a plan." Kira said. "We have to get him to overuse his eyes to drain his quirk."

I knew what she meant and I immediately sent my ice quirk to trap him but I missed.

So their plan is to either trap me so I can't use my quirk, or use my quirk enough to drain me. Mr. Aizawa thought to himself. These girls are more strategic than I thought. Looks like I'll have to be careful.

"Liz this is perfect." Kira uses the sound waves to melt the ice and send a powerful shockwave at Mr. Aizawa. I followed up by using my fire quirk which was a big mistake.

After a couple hours I activated my dad's quirk which was now my own. I knew I had to save it as a last resort but at the rate this training exercise was going I had to use it. The aura that surrounded me was pink since my hair was red and white, and my ice was activated too.

"" Mr. Aizawa widened his eyes then smiles with anticipation. "Looks like things are finally going to get interesting."

The lightning was pink as One For All flows through my body. I felt like I had no idea what I was doing but I had to figure out how this quirk really works mixed with either my fire or ice quirk.

"Here goes...I'm putting a lot of power into this..."

As I was preparing I activate my fire quirk to create the fire Phoenix I made when I was practicing with uncle Touya. I was afraid at first but I took a breath.

"Ready Kira?" I asked.

She nods. "I'll start my attack and you can follow through."

I wait for Kira to send her attack and I quickly follow with mine.

"One For All...50%...Fire Phoenix Blast!"

Once our attacks hit it looked like Mr. Aizawa was overwhelmed. Once our attacks cleared, it started taking a toll on my body. I started throwing up blood...and I eventually collapsed before Kira caught me.

"Well done Liz..." I barely heard Mr. Aizawa's voice. "You finally found your ultimate move..."

Hero Rising: BNHA The Next Generation (Working Title)Where stories live. Discover now