Chapter 13

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I changed into my gym uniform and walked with Kira and our parents to school. We were all going to meet up at UA and travel to the sports festival together. Shoto, Jirou and Kaminari were graduates of their class, and chaperones per Mr. Aizawa's request. They also just wanted to see me and Kira perform at the festival.

Once we met up with Mr. Aizawa in front of UA, he gave us a little pep talk of positivity before heading to the festival arena.

"This sports festival is designed to show off what you can do athletically," Mr. Aizawa explained, "but also to allow you to let go and expand beyond your quirk limitations. This is your time to show the pro heroes what you can really do. If they're impressed...they might hire you to work for their agency after you graduate."

That got everybody excited. I knew my dad was going to be of them. I really wished Izuku would still be alive to see this.

"You'll either be put against your other classmates, students from other classes such as class 1-B, or maybe chosen randomly." Mr. Aizawa continues. "However, you need to do your best and show the pros what you can really do."

I nodded, and gave the class a final push. "Let's have fun and give it our all!"

After cheering in excitement we head to the arena which was packed with people. Shoto, Kaminari, and Jirou met us inside. This whole thing didn't feel the same without Izuku. If he was here...if he was still alive...I would feel a lot better about this whole thing.

"I know he's not here..." Mr. Aizawa told me touching my shoulder. "But he's watching over you...and I know he'd be so proud of you..."

"Yeah I see that..." Something was on my mind though. "Is it even safe for me to use the ultimate move I created?"

"If it's a last resort situation then yes." Shoto answers. "You don't want to overwork yourself...but you shouldn't limit yourself either."

"Your dad's right Liz." Mr. Aizawa added. "It's all about the proper timing."

I nodded. I decided I wouldn't use the ultimate move yet. This kind of setting probably wouldn't be the best time to use it.  I wasn't even sure who I was going against...and I didn't know which of my quirks would be used to best fit the match. There was a lot I had to think about.

"Um...wait there's no select order in terms of who starts is there?" I asked.

"No it's random." Mr. Aizawa told me. "I think the classmates get to choose who they want to go against...whether they're from the same class or from a different class. It depends on the classmates choice."

"Which explains why all of us are currently in our gym uniforms."

He nods. "Exactly. As long as you're careful...and you show everyone what you can'll be fine."

"Just do your best Liz." Kira told me.

"You too Kira." I replied.

We all sat in the waiting area for the festival to begin. Before we started, there was going to be a speech from the principal...and fireworks as the opening ceremony.

"Greetings and welcome to our annual sports festival." Nezu our school principal spoke to the crowd and the classes. "This sports festival is all about showing your skills to pro heroes who want to hire you for their agency...but the most important thing is to make sure you guys have fun! You guys all deserve it!"

With a cheer from the crowd, the teachers, and the students, the sports festival was officially underway.


Meanwhile, the League of Villains was camped out nearby, and I didn't realize they were spying on me...and the whole class.

"The sports festival," Toga was happy about it. "The perfect place to wreak some havoc."

"Easy Toga," Shigaraki warned her, "we'll get our chance."

"Remember your goal." All For One warns everyone. "You only want to scare the people...that way we can slip through and grab our target."

Twice was excited and couldn't wait to get in on the action. "Well scaring them shouldn't be too hard. Then you can slip through, and grab the target."

Toga was excited about this except for one thing. "So I guess killing is off the table then huh?"

"Only for this little bit Toga." All For One said. "Once we get what we need from the target, you can dispose of them however you want."

Twice only had one question. "By the way...who is our target anyway?"

"The daughter of the Number One hero...and the current holder of One For All..."


As the sports festival went underway those who weren't battling were in the stands watching. I was in the stands...completely worried.

"You ok Liz?"

I turn around to see my dad behind me. "I'm just nervous that's all. I'm scared to show my quirks to everybody."

"You'll be fine Liz. Show everybody what you can do."

I nodded. I was nervous to go about this, but before I could even try to enjoy the matches I felt something completely off. "Dad? I think we need to evacuate the arena. Something is definitely wrong."

He agreed. "I just warned Mr. Aizawa we should probably-"

Before my dad could finish his thought an explosion occurred near the arena and sent blinding dust everywhere. I tried calling out to my dad but I get injected with something in the back of my neck, and I get swept away from the entire situation.

"Is everybody ok?" Mr. Aizawa asks concerned. "Is anyone hurt?"

Everybody nods. "We're ok sir."

"Yeah we're fine thankfully." Kira said.

"You sure you guys are ok?" All Might asks.

Shoto nods. "Yeah. I helped the other heroes with the evacuation."

Kira was looking around and she had an extremely worried look in her eyes.

Kaminari looks at his daughter. "What's wrong Kira? Is everything ok?"

Kira gently shook her head. "Eliza...she's gone...they took her..."

Hero Rising: BNHA The Next Generation (Working Title)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz