February 14, 2081

34 7 0

[A/N: Trigger warning: please read with care. Some content may be unhealthy for some readers.

PS. I used English language in this story to practice my vocabulary. Should you notice some grammar errors, I'm very willing to be corrected. Teehee.]

Story begins here:


February 14, 2081.

"Grandpa! Is she a reincarnation?" a 6-year old girl with a red bow said as she sipped on her milk after biting a cookie. She was sitting on the floor with her other two siblings.

"Then, they can't be together if she's now her sister!" a 7-year old boy in a blue jacket answered as he hugged to comfort another girl, crying.

"Grandpa! Why did Lily die? Why did she leave DJ?" She was smaller than the girl with a bow and she was crying her heart out loud. She was four years old and the youngest

"I feel sad for DJ, now." Another boy uttered while sitting on a sofa beside the bed. He was nine years old and the eldest out of the four.

"Did DJ choose to die as well? Or did she choose to meet the baby Lily?" The boy in blue jacket asked.

"Easy with the question kids." Their grandfather said laughing to his cute granddaughters and grandsons reactions.

"Of course DJ choose to meet the baby Lily. He tried to become not the perfect brother but the real and the best one for both Lily and Daniel. He forgave his father and also asked for forgiveness. They were starting a new life and DJ often bring Lily and Daniel to Kimberly's grave."

The story was interrupted when the children's mother went in and said, "Kids, time for bed."

"Aaaw..." the three kids whinned in unison but obeyed their mom anyway. They kissed their grandfather goodnight and run to follow their mother to their room.

The eldest walked later than the three and said, "It's good that DJ choose to stay alive." But the grandpa answered, "Nope, he died."

The boy went near his grandpa, wanting to hear more and his grandpa said, "It was that one day, they visited Kimberly's grave when Lily dropped her ball and it rolled along the highway. Lily run for it without noticing a truck."

"So he died saving the little Lily?"

The grandpa nodded. "His story is still sad until his very last breath, but I'm praying that wherever he is, I hope that he's happy now."

The kid sobbed. "I don't know what to feel. Atleast, they are now reunited in heaven." He kissed his grandpa and said his goodnight.

After the kids went out. The old man switched off the lights and turned on the lamp near his bed. There's a big bookshelf with a pot at the top and the books were scattered. Used mugs and glasses were all over the room and cabinet tops were dusty. The desk table were filled with several random paper and the drawers were slightly open. One of the drawer contained a pen and beside the pen is a frame with picture of  Daniel and DJ smiling brightly with their eyes.

"I'll come see you soon, brother." The old man uttered as he closed his eyes to sleep.

* * *

The End.

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