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Indeed, that is the question I ask more these days:

Why am I sad?
Why he didn't act as I expected?
Why is it that letting him go was unthinkable?
Why do I feel like I'm done crying but the tears start to flow again?

Although I'm sure that is not the proper way to use those three letters, because it could also be:

Why would loving someone be a sad thing?
Why would I expect so much from someone who has shown so little?
Why use the phrase "let him go" when he was never mine?
Why am I so afraid of tears that I want to stop them instead of understanding them?

The fact is that, since day one, I knew how it was going to end, but I caught up with "just one more" and how good it felt, that I forgot that it was never intended for me to keep you, I became greedy, broke my own heart and blame someone, who never saw me coming.

Time showed me that, meeting earlier, would have led us to believe that, we were right for each other, making a huge mistake.

I'm not running away, asked me directly and I shall give an honest answer because it's better to understand the truth than overthink complicating lies.

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