"So, are you waiting for the Zombies to eat us or are you gonna tell us?" Mariah asks crossing her arms. Leo simply smirks at her before looking back at us.

"There's a chopper on the top of the main building, we can take it and fly us out of here" Leo explains as he grabs his military jacket and pulls it on. "We grab it and leave the soldiers for dead" I nod my head at his plan, liking it.

"What about all the other people here? There are children" Brandon suddenly says and we all look at him in thought. We can't exactly risk our lives to save a whole lot of others, what good would that do us. I'm about to say something but Mariah beats me to it.

"I think we should save them, but we can't exactly be idiots and go out head first" Mariah says, I look at her curiously, she sounds like she has a plan. Mariah opens her bag and there, she holds a small radio. "We need to lead them away with a loud sound," She says and Luna seem to nod at that.

"Alright, then it's settled, but we need to do this quickly" Luna says and Mariah nods before swinging her bag onto her shoulders and throws mine to me.

"I'll hijack a car, install this let it drive down the hill, from there, it's only road so they'll be following for a while" Mariah says and we all nod.

"Alright, us girls will get the car ready, you two warn everybody and also Turn off the alarm, so the zombies will be able to hear the car., we all meet up at the back entrance of the main building" Luna says and the boys nod before running out, Luna looks at us with a determined look on her face. "This has to be quick; you see any zombies you kill it, got it?" Mariah and I nod then we all walk out of the tent, the zombies are still trying to get in, a few has but nothing we can't handle. Mariah unsheathes her tanto and twirls it around her fingers with a smirk, I grab my gun and shoot any zombies who run towards us. We make it to where all the cars are and Mariah starts to hijack the one closest to the exit before starting to install the radio. We hear loud banging against the garage door.

"There are zombies right outside, the moment we open the door it we need to run" Luna says but Mariah merely shakes her head.

"No use, they're gonna be too distracted by the sound of the music that they'll simply ignore us" Mariah explains then pulls out a megaphone from her bag and we both look at her oddly. She looks up at our curious face. "I see things that are fun, I take them" She shrugs her shoulders before putting the megaphone on the roof of the car before connecting it to the radio.

"You're good at this" Luna compliments and I nod in agreement. Mariah looks up brushing some stray hairs from her ponytail away from her face and grins at us.

"I took an online course a while back" She says nonchalantly before starting to fiddle with the radio. She starts the car up before holding two wires up in front of her. "start opening the garage" Mariah orders and Luna nods and walks over to the panel and starts to open the doors revealing the legs of the zombies.

The alarm stops, the boys must have succeeded, but the bad thing is, that we have all the attention of the zombies now, Mariah really needs to hurry.

"Alright, Mariah, now would be a good time to start!" I exclaim and she does so. Soon the music blares out loudly and the car starts. Mariah tries to get out when she suddenly stops and her eyes go wide.

"Mariah, come on!" I yell at her as the Zombies start to come in. Mariah looks up her eyes wide and scared.

"I can't open the door, and if I do, the whole thing blows" Mariah explains biting her lip nervously. She crawls to the backseat and starts to kick the window but it doesn't budge. My eyes go wide, I look at her then at the hordes of Z's coming her way. I grit my teeth before running over to the slow-moving car and start to ram the hilt of my gun against it.

"Together!" Mariah yells and we silently count before we smash the back seat's window. Mariah quickly jumps out of the window.

There should be a helicopter somewhere, so we really need to hurry, before the soldiers take it.

"Hurry!" Luna yells, I grab Mariah's arm and pull her up and we all head outside, what we see outside is horrible, the zombies are already inside and now they're heading towards us, since we're in front of the building with the musical car.

"Go, go, go!" Mariah exclaims and we start to run towards the main building, dodging zombies. We meet up with the boys who looks at us in relief. "You guys made it!" Mariah exclaims happily grinning at them. I notice Leo's small smile but as soon as we make eye contact, he covers it with a scowl.

"We should hurry, they should be taking off in 5 minutes, we need to be there before them" Leo says and I try to open the door but it's locked. I look at it in annoyance and Mariah sports the same look. The two of us look at each other before we both kick the door open at the same time. We all start to run up towards the helicopter, but for some reason Mariah's holding a rope of some kind. We pass a closed door but Mariah stops and wraps the rope around it and Leo seems to know what she's doing.

He grabs the other end of the rope and wraps it around the door on the opposite side's knob. Mariah runs in and grabs a chair and leans it against the door, blocking it from closing and stopping the other door from opening.

"The soldiers are in there" Mariah explains before we all proceed to run up again. We make it up and there are two soldiers there. I hold up my gun and shoot one of them before moving to the other one and shooting him.

There is the helicopter, we all run to the helicopter, luckily, I see no soldiers here yet, so we can go off without any problems.

"Let's hurry!" I yell and Brandon helps Luna up then me before going up himself and Leo helps Mariah up before taking the front with Brandon.

"Strap yourselves in, ladies and gentlemen." Brandon says, and he starts flying the heli.


Writers; Kaynad M. & Maryam S.

Word count; 1862

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