Chapter 7

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Jeongguk woke up with an excruciating pain in his forehead. He could feel a wet rag being pressed on his forehead that soothed his nerves.

He opened his eyes, trying to groaning in pain as he did. He was expecting to see his hyungs near him but he was taken aback by the sight of another male who was apparently the one who were tending him.

Jeongguk flinched away from the male who simply raised his eyebrow, annoyed by his reaction. "You weren't complaining earlier." He said with an eye roll. Jeongguk ignored his comment and try to absorb his surrounding. He was inside a green walled room. The walls however resembled strong vines. Even leaves and flowers were growing out of the vines.

"Where am I?" He gasped out when he noticed the mattress he was lying on was closely similar to a bird nest. Only more comfortable.

"Where are my friends?" Jeongguk began panicking. "Are they okay?"

The male, now Jeongguk finally noticed his appearance stood up. He was tall, taller than him, and was really handsome. He had broad shoulders and his face was complete perfection if he had to be honest. Jeongguk was both attracted to males and females alike though he didn't had a chance to explore further into the deep complexities of sexual aspects. But he wasn't attracted to this male. He looked older and he was really handsome.

"They are fine. They are waiting for you to get up." Jeongguk watched him leaving the room. He lay there trying to regain his strength. He tried to remember what had happened but that blow on his head was the last thing he could remember. Though the fear that he felt at that particular moment, he could still feel it within him.

Where was he? Was he captured? The place didn't quite fit into the description of a government facility.

"Guk" He heard Namjoon's voice and saw the latter rushing up to him. Hoseok and Yoongi followed behind with concern evident on their face. There were injuries on their face, but patched up nicely. Jeongguk tried to get up but only to be pushed back by Namjoon who insisted to lay down.

"How are you now?" Hoseok asked with a tired voice. "I'm fine. What happened? Are we captured? Where is this place?" Jeongguk asked.

"Relax Guk..."Yoongi put his hand on his shoulder. "We are safe."

"What happened?" He asked again and saw the three sharing a look.

"Are you not going to tell him?" They turned around to see the handsome male who stood there with his arms crossed. "He need to know."

"Need to know what?" Jeongguk asked.

"You blew up." Hoseok blurted out. "Nice one Seok." Yoongi muttered under his breath. "I... what?" Jeongguk was confused.

"What Hoseok tried to say is." Yoongi glared at the younger who blushed beet red. "You saved us all."

"He's right Guk." Namjoon said reading the younger's face. "You saved us."

"You said you only had electron control as your power." Hoseok said. "You never said you could conjure lightning bolts from sky."

"I think he didn't knew that either." The handsome man said. "Do you?"

Jeongguk was shocked. He could control electron flow to create small charges and had blown up few lights but never did he make a lightning bolt.

"Hey, you remember what I said." Namjoon said smiling slightly. "Yoongi learned to expand his power; likewise you are way more powerful than you think you are. It is all inside you."

Jeongguk needed a moment to sink these information.

"Where are we?" He then asked. "Who is he?" He looked at the handsome guy who smiled slightly at him.

"After you killed all those people..." Hoseok said but immediately regretting his words. Yoongi was about to smack some sense to the younger who now was sorry about his words as he saw Jeongguk's face. "I killed them."

"Do you expect them to jump on their feet and dance after a 100000 watt electricity went through them?" The handsome guy said. "Of course they died."

Jeongguk's breath labored and he found himself unable to breathe. He had used his powers before and he knew the small charge he made only knocked them unconscious. He was sure about that.

"Guk, calm down. Breathe in." Namjoon soothed him. After he felt himself getting normal he heard him say. "It's not your fault. They tried to take you away. You know what will happen to wielders if they caught them. All you did was self defense. You saved yourself and you saved us."

"After you used your powers." Hoseok continued. "You fell unconscious. We carried you but we were sure that we won't make it that far until the others catch up with us."

"That is when I arrived." The handsome guy finished. "I'm Kim Seokjin by the way."

"He helped us and took us here. He is the guy Minjoon said that could help us." Yoongi finished. "Apparently he is a wielder too."

Jeongguk looked amazed at Seokjin. "Whoa! What are your powers?" He asked causing the other guy to chuckle lightly.

"Nature. I can control these trees and plants in my will." He motioned the house. Now Jeongguk realized what he presumed was right. The walls were indeed vines.

"You need to sleep some more." Seokjin said. "You need to regain your strength." He motioned others to leave him alone. Jeongguk wanted to say he was fine but he knew he wasn't. His body reminded him how weak he was and he nodded slipping back to dreamless sleep.


A/n: Short ik.

This should've been with last chapter but I think this could be a stand alone.

And Jin is finally here🤩

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