Chapter Eighteen - Strategies

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A few days later, the newly established team found themselves in Boone, North Carolina. Elizabeth and Sam had gone to Watauga High School to 'borrow' some of their chemistry equipment after buying an oil drum. Dean was on a mission to get the most flammable fertiliser he could find, whilst Alexander's job was to get a burner phone and some diesel fuel.
They met back up at the motel the Winchesters had booked and the fun began.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Dean asked, propping his feet up on the dining table as he cracked open a beer.
"More sure than you know. But I'll be less sure if you don't shut it and let me concentrate." Elizabeth replied.
She placed the exact right amounts of Ammonium Nitrate, Fertiliser and Diesel her calculations had called for into the oil drum, then rigged it up to detonate with the use of the burner phone.
Eventually, she was done.
"Is that it?" Sam asked, standing a few feet away from her with his arms folded over his chest.
"Yep. That's it. All we need to do is get it into place, get out of the blast zone and send the text." The Vampire replied, holding up the phone.
"You scare me sometimes, you know that?" Dean said, pointing to her with the tip of his beer bottle.
"You're too kind." Elizabeth smiled proudly.

Banner Elk was only a town away from Boone, so the journey was short. Not that it felt like it with enough explosives on the back seat to take out the Impala, Alexander's Cadillac, the road and a fair amount of the neighbouring treeline.
"I was half expecting the town to have a wall around it." Sam commented as they drove in.
"Or at least some sort of guard system we'd have to take out before we got anywhere near it." Elizabeth continued.
"Just be thankful this isn't mission impossible. Let's just get this done and go back to the motel for a beer." Dean mumbled.

They pulled up a few blocks away, out of estimated range of the blast.
Elizabeth and Alexander had insisted on taking the rig to the church, placing it right by the side exit.
"I'm impressed by how far you've come, Elizabeth." Alexander said as they walked back to the cars.
"That's what happens when I'm not tied down by a nest." The woman replied. Alexander chuckled deeply, earning a slight scowl from his immortal spawn. "What?"
"You say you're not tied down by a nest. Whilst that may be true, you certainly seem to have been tied down by a family." He commented.
By then, the Impala had come into their view and thus, so had the boys. Elizabeth gazed over at them; feeling as though someone had just punched her in the gut.
Alexander was right.
Between Sam, Dean, Bobby and - Hell - even Castiel at one point, she'd found a home.
"I suppose you're right." She sighed.
"What do you plan on doing about the younger one?" Alexander asked. Elizabeth looked up at him, confused. "He's Human. You're immortal. Surely you know there's only two ways through this. You either watch him grow old and die, or you turn him."
"Even if Sam did want to be turned to be with me, Dean would never allow it." The younger Vampire mumbled.
"Well then, you have perfect cover to do it now." Alexander smirked. "Say he 'accidentally' gets fed some Vampire blood. It would be out of your hands and Dean would have no ground to blame you."
Elizabeth snapped. She swung her arm round, gripping Alexander's neck like a vice as she pushed him up against a nearby building.
"Sam will not be a Vampire. Even if he wanted to be, he wouldn't be like us. He's had a blood addiction before; he won't be able to stand it." She growled.
Alexander gave her a sly smirk.
"Sounds like you've already made up your mind then, darling. You go ahead and keep your pet Human until his end. But you may want to distance yourself, you're already too attached. You don't want it to hurt when the inevitable comes, do you? For someone who wants to make themselves appear so isolated, you really have quite the little community behind you."
"Shut up." Elizabeth sneered. "Before the knife on my belt accidentally finds its way through your neck. You may be my sire, but, so help me, I will have absolutely no problem ending you if you bring Sam up again."

"What was that?" Sam asked as the two Vampires approached the Impala.
"Doesn't matter." Elizabeth mumbled. "Let's blow up some Vamps."
She pulled the burner phone from her pocket and stood on the opposite side of the Impala, beckoning everyone else to do the same.
"How big is this explosion gunna be exactly?" Dean asked. "Baby's not gunna get hurt, right?"
"She should be fine from this distance." Elizabeth shrugged, typing into the phone. "Ready?"
Everyone nodded and the Vampire sent the text.
They waited a few seconds, but nothing happened.
"Well that was a bust." Dean frowned. "What the Hell are we gunna do no-"
A huge fire ball consumed the church, creating a big, black mushroom cloud. But it was the shock wave that was the desired part of this explosion and, boy, did it not disappoint.
It blew everyone back a couple of paces, even rattled the Impala windows.
The buildings in the immediate vicinity of the church quaked, their windows shattering.
Shrapnel soon came crashing down, a piece of burning wood almost colliding with the Impala's hood.
"Oops. That was a little bigger than I expected." Elizabeth chuckled awkwardly.
"Holy crap, that was awesome!" Dean grinned wide and open mouthed.
"We're not done yet." Alexander stated, spotting some Vampires who'd managed to survive the blast.
He ran at them with his Vampiric speed, casting the Revolutionary War sabre he kept in its sheath on his belt up into the air.
Elizabeth followed with her machete, leaving the Winchesters in the proverbial dust.
The eight remaining Vamps should've been easy pickings. They were disoriented, staggering around the place like students at three on a Sunday morning.
Alexander easily took out the first one, leading Elizabeth to move passed him to the others.
As she decapitated one of them, the other six regained their senses, enclosing around the Hunter.
Two held her arms and shoulders, whilst another was behind her with his arm securely around her waist and his teeth at her throat.
"Weapons down!" One of them shouted. "Or her throat gets shredded."
Alexander spun around, spying the needle-like teeth a mere inch away from making Elizabeth and her head two separate objects.
"Elizabeth!" Sam yelled, his eyes wide with fear as he and Dean stopped in their tracks.
"I said weapons down." The Vamp repeated.
The brothers glanced to one another, slowly placing their machetes down on the floor.
Alexander slowly reached into his suit pocket, clasping his backup pistol.
"I think you're missing one fundamental difference between you and I." He spoke directly to the Vamp with his teeth at Elizabeth's neck. "You see, I'm smart enough to know that if you kill her, the only thing you think is preventing me from killing you is gone. The difference is that you think her death is a threat to me."
"Alexander." Dean growled.
But he didn't listen. Alexander drew his pistol and instantly shot the two holding her arms. Two headshots, easy.
"Bullets filled with dead man's blood. One shot to the head renders a Vampire comatose." He stated, pointing the barrel in the direction of the Vamp's head. "Now, are you going to go down the easy way or the bloody way?"
"I'm a Vampire. The bloody way is the only way." The creature sneered.
"Bloody way it is." Elizabeth mumbled.
She reached over her head and grabbed the back of the Vamp's neck, pulling his whole body over her shoulder. He landed roughly on the asphalt of the road.
"Sam!" Elizabeth yelled.
The younger brother ran, rearing his machete-wielding arm back for a good swing. As soon as he was within reach, Sam swung down, separating the Vamp's body from his head in one foul swoop.
"Are you okay?" He asked, desperate concern in his voice.
Elizabeth fell into his open arms, hugging his body tightly.
"Thought I was a goner there for a sec." She released a breathy chuckle. "But yeah, I'm fine."
"Bullets with dead man's blood? Why the hell didn't we think of that?" Dean asked, approaching Alexander.
"A little trick I picked up about ten years ago. From a man named John Winchester." Alexander smirked.
"You knew our dad?" Sam frowned.
"If you can call him shooting me in the chest with one 'knowing him', then yes. I knew him intimately." The Vampire replied, slamming his sword down through the necks of those he'd shot in the head. "For the record, while shooting them in the head with these bullets will render them unconscious for a while, they'll wake up eventually. So, be sure to finish the job."
"What are the chances that both you and I run into the same Hunter only a few years a part?" Elizabeth cocked a brow.
Alexander gave a low chuckle.
"John Winchester was a formidable Hunter."
Elizabeth let out a simple 'hm', and wondered off back in the direction of the Impala.
"You coming?" Dean asked the older immortal.
"You go ahead. My nest will be here shortly to help with the clean-up. I'll see to it personally that any Humans are escorted to safety." Alexander replied.
The older Winchester gave a singular nod before making his exit.

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