"Language," I murmur, touching his elbow gently.

Maggie's lips press tighter together, her eyes getting a bit glassy. My foot finds the first step instinctually before her voice halts me in my tracks, harsh and totally transparent.

"Nothing. I'm fine." She stares down at us, the seconds audibly ticking by from our wall clock in the living room.

The thing Maggie has not yet realized is that if she is stubborn, her father is bullheaded. It's a war of the wills, and neither one of them likes to be the one to let up first, especially not lately.

"Well, if it's nothing," Beau's voice stays, as it always does when he speaks to Maggie, frustratingly calm. "Then why'd you shake the whole house? And what's with the attitude?"

She only stares at him, her brows crumpled together like there's no way anyone could ever understand her strife. I suppose seventeen is like that. But Beau is always so patient, maybe because no one ever was with him.

And soon enough, as he always does, he waits her out.

"Fine. Okay." Another eye roll. She throws her hands in the air, "Seth broke up with me. Are you happy now? Can I go?"

"Seth what?" I gasp, unable to stop myself from propelling my body up the rest of the stairs.

"Happy?" Beau snaps, the irritation he's been keeping at bay all afternoon finally boiling over. "That little asshole!"

"Beau, language!" I shoot him a look and place both hands on Maggie's shoulders. "Are you okay, hon? What happened?"

In a swift motion that makes my heart ache, my little girl shrugs me off and shakes her head. "I don't want to talk about it. Can I just go get my stuff? Luna's waiting."

Feeling as though I've been slapped, but understanding what it was like to be seventeen and feel like the whole world doesn't know a thing, I let her go.

"Yeah, go ahead."

Maggie's back is already to me as she walks the hallway to her bedroom when Beau reaches the landing beside me, halting her with his voice.

"Hey, Mags?"

Throwing her head back over her shoulder, Maggie lets out a deep sigh, "Yes, Dad?"

"You are okay, though, right?"

She tries to hide it, but beneath her well crafted scowl is a hint of a smile for Beau.

"Yeah, Dad." She grins, lips tight. "I'm fine."

"Okay," Beau replies, but her door is already swinging closed with another huge slam. "Mags!"

"It's not my fault, Dad!" We hear through the door, "Seth is the fucking asshole!"

Eyes wider than saucers, Beau and I snap at the same time. "Language!"

"Sorry!" But her tone doesn't sound it.

"Come on," I tug at Beau's forearm finally, "Just give her space for now."

I lead us down the staircase, Beau looking over his shoulder the entire time, a pained expression over his face. When we're seated on the couch, he runs a hand over his hair, his brows crinkled together like Maggie's just were.

"Who does Seth think he is, the prick?"


"No, I'm serious, Emma. He broke up with Maggie? I-"

"Beau." I cup his face between my hands. "Try to breathe. It's just life, we can't prevent every bad thing from happening to her, no matter how much we might want to."

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