(11) Harley's backstory

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Hi guys! This chapter will have a lot about Harley's past life so you guys will be able to understand the upcoming chapter a little more! here is a small flashback! get ready for a LONG chapter:)


"Bye Chloe! I'll try and call you when I'm home on the house phone. I will only be able to if my daddy isn't home" Harley said

"Okay. Bye bye Harley" Chloe replied. Chloe was Harley's 2nd grade best friend. They never got to hang out though.

Harley walked home, she never had a ride but she didn't mind it. She loved the windy air and also liked the warm weather at times.

She finally arrived home at her shaggy house. She slowly twisted the rusted doorknob and opened the creaky door.

"Daddy?" She said. When she didn't get a response, she smiled to herself.

She went on the home phone and dialed Chloe's home phone. She waited for a pick-up, but it ended up going to voicemail. She was going to try again, but she heard the door creak open. She walked over to the front door and saw her big brother, Merle.

"Merle!" She said and ran over to be greeted with a hug

"Hey hey kiddo. Ye' wanna go on a lil huntin' trip with ya' old man and Daryl?" He asked her

She nodded and ran upstairs to grab her bear and crossbow that Merle had gotten her for her birthday last year. She went downstairs and sat on the couch, waiting for Merle to be ready. He came and sat beside her, then turned on the little tv.

"What are you doing Merle?" She asked him

"It might be awhile, waiting for your daddy to get home. I need to make sure its okay with him so you don't get a beatin!" He said and held his fist up as a joke, she flinched at that.

She was sure that her Daddy would let her go anyways, he didn't like her at the house because she was in the way all the time, according to him of course. Soon enough, he arrived home and opened the door. Harley gave a shyly smile and turned away, she knew he didn't like Merle being there alone with me because he didn't trust him. Her mother followed in behind him and hugged Harley. She saw the small bruise on her mommy's arm, but tried to ignore it. She was used to seeing them all over herself and her mother.

"Why is he here" her dad asked her

"he- he wanted to take me hunting. Can I go, please?" She asked him

"Yeah yeah whatever. When ye' gonna be back?" He asked Harley and Merle

"Soon enough, why ye' got plans?" Merle asked

"No, but I don't trust you with my daughter" he said and walked away. she knew Merle didn't trust her Daddy either.


"Ye' put your hand here, and your arm back here. Then pull and let go! There ye' go, ye' got a squirrel Harl" Daryl told her. She was proud she had gotten it the first time, she could tell she was going to be a pro at this. They walked back to the camp they were at and Daryl taught her how to cook the squirrel and such things like that.

"I'm gonna be just like you!" She said to Merle and Daryl. They both nodded and laughed.

-that weekend-

When Harley got home, she waved to them both and walked in the house. Her momma was on the couch, she didn't look too good. She saw her little brother Liam next to her mom, he smiled.

"Are you okay Mommy?" Harley asked

"I'm just really sick dear. Mommy was at the hospital last night and I got diagnosed with this sickness called cancer." She told her

"Woah, is it bad? Will you be okay?" Harley asked

"We will just have to see my dear, we don't have the money for meds right now, but I think I can make it. Don't you worry" She told her


"Don't you worry" Harley told herself over and over. Even after her mother had passed. It hurt her, but she couldn't cry. She believed all of her tears were all used up. She didn't go to school much anymore, her daddy didn't care if she did or not. So she decided each morning if she was going to go or not. Harley had to take care of her little brother a lot, but she didnt mind, he was quite the trip. One morning, she made a good decision and went to school. Her teacher was happy to see her, and walked up to Harley.

"Hi sweetie! Are you doing okay in your home?" Her teacher asked. Harley knew what to say, she always knew what to say, she couldn't leave Liam there alone.

"Yes, I just needed to be home for awhile with my Daddy and baby brother" she told her teacher.

"Ah yes dear, that's okay. But we have a buddy here
for you to help you through the days! her name is Annalise!" The teacher told her

Harley met Annalise that day, it actually really helped her. She looked up to Annalise and loved the idea of having a big sister. That's what it felt like. Annalise was always there helping with her homework, helping her through stressful test and always helping with missing work. Even though Harley was so young, she had been through a lot and Annalise knew that. Annalise was there with Harley through years of school, all up to 5th grade. Annalise was going to graduate soon, but she still had a few years and knew she could still help Harley.

"Okay Harley, you have a good weekend alright? I'll see you on Monday!" Annalise told her and waved goodbye.

-At her house-

"Sissy. Outside? We go outside and play?" Harley's little brother, Liam asked her.

"Sure Liam, lets grab a ball and we can play!" Harley told him.

They walked outside and started tossing it back and forth. Her daddy wasn't home and neither was Merle or Daryl. This was normal though, they were probably out drinking. Liam and Harley were outside playing for awhile, then they stopped to get a drink.

"Ill go get us some water, stay in the yard Liam." Harley told him

He nodded and she went inside to get the water. She filled up two cups and walked back outside, at the most horrific moment. She saw Liam chasing the ball into the street. She screamed his name to stop, but he didn't. He ran into the road, picked up the ball and tried to walk back. It was too late, a car tried to stop but they were late too. It hit Liam and he fell back down. Harley dropped everything and ran over to him.

"LIAM! No no no, Liam look here its okay!" Harley told him

His eyes were rolling out of consciousness. The person in the car stepped out and saw the child, then started to drive away.

"No please! Please help me!" She screamed. She just wanted him to be okay

Her neighbors ran outside and picked up Liam out of her arms, they called 911 and rushed him inside the house to stop the blood. She knew he wouldn't be okay. They asked her lots of questions, but she couldn't answer them very well because she was still shaken up. They were able to get ahold of her Daddy, and he rushed home. By the time the ambulance got there, Liam was already gone.

That hurt Harley a lot, she blamed herself and her daddy did too. That night was one of her worse, her daddy was yelling and blaming her, added a few more bruises too. She just wanted to be at school again.

"It's okay Harley, I'm fighting for you to get out of there, okay?" Annalise told Harley.

Harley didn't leave Annalise that whole day, she was still scared and people kept trying to ask her questions that she didn't want. The weekend ended up coming fast, and that scared her. Little did she know, that weekend was the end of the world. No more school, no more shaggy house and no more of her father. It was the end.

This chapter isn't the best, but it explains her backstory a lot! Her little brother's death and her mother's death are 3 years apart btw! Just cleaning that up so you don't think they're right near each other. Yeah hope this helps for the next chapter... get ready...!

I just made updates on the recent chapters! Check them out, I changed a lot of things up.

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