(10) Barbie Weapon

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*Annalise's POV*

Me and Spencer have been on the road for quite awhile now, maybe a month. Her wound has healed nicely and she has gotten more comfortable with me. I just hope she will be okay, I don't want to loose this kid.

"Annalise when will we find a home?" she asked me a week or 2 ago. I told her soon, but we haven't had any luck.

I've given up on trying to find Harley, I knew the group had probably gone somewhere farther now for safety. Me and Spencer still walk a lot during the day, finding a home and still looking for them even though it's a very low chance.

"I'm hungry again, can we stop down the road and look for more food?" Spencer asked me

"of course, lets go look" I told her and she got on my back. I've been carrying her a lot more now because I figured it's easier. She is pretty light and I think it's easier to protect her this way

We stopped at a small corner store and started looking. It was pretty much cleaned out, but we got a few things we could use. I got us a can of peaches, some water and a package of cookies, it was the best I could find.

"This?" Spencer asked me and handed me gasoline

I laughed "Sure, we can use this when we find a car" I told her

*Harley's POV*
I woke up the next morning in my cell, I was glad I got a good nights sleep for once, although my neck still hurt from sleeping on the floor for a night. I got up and walked down the stairs, then all eyes went on me. I don't think they knew I was alive, Daryl must've not had time to tell them.

"Am I seeing things" Carl asked nervously

"No carl, she's alive. Found her and Carol in that room we saw. Must've went in there and hid" Daryl replied

Carl and Beth came up and hugged me. That was the first time I've been hugged that tight in years. It felt nice, but it ended quickly when we heard a gunshot near the prison

"I'll go see what it is" I said and grabbed my crossbow

"Nice one Harls, but I'm going with to see too." Daryl said and also picked up his.

I rolled my eyes, I wasn't incapable. He maybe thought I was, but I can handle myself. We walked out and looked around, we didn't really see anything but then we heard another gunshot and a little voice scream. I opened the fence and ran out, ignoring the walkers beside me. I heard Daryl screaming my name to come back, but I wasn't going to. The voice sounded little and weak, like a kid's voice. I had to help them, I couldn't live with myself knowing I could save them and didn't.

*Annalise's POV*
Spencer kept finding really helpful things while on my back, so I let her off to look some more while I try and open the back. I think there might be more stuff stacked back there.

"Annalise! AAHHHH!" I heard Spencer scream twice

I ran all over the place, hoping she was protecting herself from whatever it was. I kept running through the aisles and couldn't find her. I was yelling her name, trying to find her. I ran into the one aisle and saw a walker on the floor, and Spencer was standing there with a Barbie in her hand, she must've stabbed the walker with the Barbie. I made sure it was dead by shooting it once, then again.

"Spencer? Are you okay?" I asked her

"Yes, I killed it!" She said proudly. I never knew a 5 yr old could kill a walker with A BARBIE DOLL?

*Harley's POV*
I was running to the corner store, I was sure that is where the gunshot was from. I also had a feeling Daryl was behind me. I didn't care though, I wasn't turning back around. I needed to see what was happening. I walked to the corner store and pulled the doors open

"Hello? Is anyone in here? You can come out, you don't have to be scared!" I said. I figured if it was a child, they would be a little scared, and need a soft, welcoming voice.

Then, a little girl slowly walked from the aisles. I started to walk over to her, then I saw someone I never thought I would see again, it was Annalise. Tears started to well up in my eyes and I dropped my crossbow. Her face went blank and I could see her eyes getting glossy as well. She ran over to me and pulled me into a hug.

"I thought lost you" she said in between tears

"I did too. Looks like you found a friend" I said laughing

"Oh yeah, I did. Her name is Spencer, and she was alone when I found her. I think her parents..."

I felt bad for the little girl, I know exactly how it feels to loose your mom at a young age.

Daryl then walked in and saw Annalise, he looked shocked but happy at the same time. They hugged and then Annalise and him started talking about Spencer and how she found her. He thought it was so amazing. C'mon, she did the same for me.

I was a little too busy curiously looking at the bloody doll her in hands. Had she stabbed a walker with it? Had it been hers from before?

"What's up with the blood on the doll?" I asked her

"I stabbed the monster with the dolly earlier" she said smiling

"So, were those the screams?" I asked her giggling

"Guess so, hehe" she said

I smiled. She seemed like a strong little girl, I hope that her and Annalise can come back to the prison with us. We need more people and they already know Annalise, another little girl won't hurt too much. Spencer also seems strong and brave. Heck, she made a weapon strong enough to kill a walker.

Hope you guys are enjoying my story so far:)

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