The elder began forcing a laugh from the room as the confident boy quickly melt with blushing cheeks against his chair, pure embarrassment coating his existence warning any other commenters off taking the sarcastic approach...

"Anyone care to give me an answer on what consent means?"

"Someone has to say yes before you do anything?"

Another voice spoke leaving Lauren to nod slightly before grabbing for a pen beside her thighs fiddling aimlessly hoping it would force time by faster as she took a quick side glance at Camila.. she was staring intently.. not at her face.. but at her largely exposed chest causing a gentle fluster between her thighs she could only in the moment ignore

"Partially.. but consent isn't just a yes.. it's about circumstance.. body language.. experience! For example if your partner is Intoxicated with either drugs or alcohol the answer is always no! Even if the other wants it.. learn to read body language.. a yes isn't a yes if you feel the other is scared or vulnerable!"

The woman began continuing on for a moment about the topic while the class listened before leaning back to examine the room.. some were uncomfortable some shadowing their laps.. but the woman knew with 45 minutes left she had to continue.. and so she did..

"Next topic, sex isn't just between a man and a woman, sex can be between females and males alone.. it's important you know the difference! As we previously established with Leo it doesn't just have to revolve around a dick.."

"Uhh.. genuine question.. how can you have it.. you know.. without a.."

Lauren caught Camila's smirk at the random girls question, her hand out stretched on the desk with two fingers pointing towards the ceiling.. her tongue rolling over her teeth distracting her for a moment before shaking it out to answer

"Toys exist.. mainly used by same sex couples.. but our bodies are pretty cool things.. fingers, tongues.. lips.. all useful if you use them correctly, I was told to keep it PG so I suggest googling.."

"I bet Miss J likes dicks in her mouth!"

A stray cocky boy spoke forcing the elder from her desk silencing the laughter surrounding as she strut towards his frame forcing her hand under his chin to remove his smirking grin, his eyes now striking back into the green not expecting her next statement to fall so confidently

"I'm a lesbian! I have sex with girls and girls only! Don't get it twisted boys are cute but they don't have the capacity to find a girls clit let alone pleasure her Jacob... tell your girlfriend there's no shame in replacing you with a vibrator!"

The entire class shook with a wild gasp both fearing and loving the woman all at the same time as now a second boy sat stunned in his spot, the room too focused on mocking him to notice the teacher quickly saving herself with a wink towards Camila only covering her mouth with a proud smirk back..

"Speaking of! Sex doesn't have to be boring and routine! If you and your partner have a level of trust you can discuss implementing other things into your experiences... only if you are both comfortable however.. if you're a boy make sure you use protection always! Babies are expensive and STD's aren't fun! Any questions?"

The class admittedly were in shock at the surprise lesson however the elders way of teaching made it all the more fun as a few questions shot from across the room, her answers blunt and to the point before a surprising hand at the back raise with a burning ask.. it was Camila...


Lauren called pulling her lower lip into her mouth almost afraid of what she would come out with as it wasn't like she hadn't given the girl more than a hands on lesson in what happens between to bodies ready to get intimate...

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