Chapter 12 - My Head And My Heart

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Time is now of the essence. Massimo has officially called a meeting, and I have contacted everyone to ensure they are at the underground nightclub by five.

I have also spoken at length with Laura, and I could feel her apprehension through the phone. I couldn't imagine what she must be going through right now, especially being back here in Italy.

Massimo thinks we will be ready to act soon, and while the next four weeks are crucial, I didn't want to alarm Laura. I need her to be of sound mind, and if there is any chance of a war, she can't find out about it.

I need her to keep on top of things, especially with my little nephew being so close to the drama too. Right now, my focus is getting through the first phase of our plan, which happens tonight......
It is now mid afternoon, and Gio is having a nap. I have successfully managed to keep myself busy, although my thoughts do end up on Massimo.

I am feeling a rush through my body, and I am worried. I know what is happening, yet when Mario called earlier I had this dreadful fear something will go wrong.....

The way things stand now, I may need to fly back to Las Vegas as early as next week. Due to needing regulatory approval for changes to The Italia, this trip may have to be cut short. I don't want to leave Italy, and more important, I don't want to leave Massimo.

My head and my heart are both screaming at me to do something, yet I feel completely frozen to the spot. If it was only me, I wouldn't hesitate, but I need to think of Gio.

As much as I want to make my presence known, this is not the right time. My life as Laura Biel is in the past, so I need to focus on being Lorita Graniescu - the lonely, heartbroken, single mother to my beautiful son.....
Ohhh....ahhhh....Philipe and I have been making up for lost time, and he is bringing all these desires and pleasures out in me. I feel so powerful being in this bed with Philipe, and knowing he is about to make me erupt in pleasure again do I know things are finally starting to turn my way.....

Tomorrow is the start of it all, and I for one can't wait to see the look on Massimo's face when he realises just how much control I will have - I have so many plans, but for now, this is where I want to be.

Philipe will make a great distraction for me - after all, why shouldn't I have the benefit of having a lover plus a husband.....
After ensuring Olga and Olivia are well protected, I make my way to the underground nightclub. Massimo has requested I get there a short while before everyone else, as he needs to speak with me.

I am curious as to what he wants, but after he has done everything to look after my family, I feel it is imperative he knows I not only respect him, but I will do anything it takes to help him achieve the objective - Anna needs to go, and if I can assist with that, then that is what I will gladly do.....
I can't believe this is finally happening. I am sitting here nursing a glass of whiskey, waiting for Domenico to arrive. I have asked him to come earlier, as my people have found out something.

When last in Rome, my people managed to find out some information about The Italia. Although I had Mario look into it, I asked some of my own associates to check the bonafides of the business.

Ms Graniescu is a credit to herself, the business is not only doing well, but it's directors are not documented on any legal documents anywhere. To my surprise, my people have learned the Hotel is owned by Malagio Holdings, and while the company is in the black and registered, I can't get any further information.

I need Domenico to dig deeper, as I feel Ms Graniescu is likely to turn down my offer, and I don't like being told no. I usually take what I want, but this time it feels different. So much so, I can't explain it.

Talking with Ms Graniescu on the phone sent this strange feeling through my body, like I have heard her voice from somewhere. Regardless, I am hoping Mario is not keeping anything from me, and ever since we have talked about this I need to know more.

As I am deep in thought, Domenico has just arrived, and I pour him a drink. We toast to his wife and daughter, and then I decide to tell Domenico everything, and what I need from him.....
I am now entering the underground nightclub, and I see my cousin knocking back a whiskey. We shake hands and hug each other hello, and Massimo offers me a drink. We drink to Olga and Olivia, then Massimo gets right to it......

After hearing what is going on, I am taken aback. With this, I promise Massimo I will get my associates to see what they can find out about Malagio Holdings, and I will only tell him of what they find.

With regards to Anna, I have certain plans proceeding as we speak, and by the close of business tomorrow the family will now possess certain properties and assets which belong to the Gattuso Family.

While they are not the larger holdings, I convinced Massimo to start small, and we will break their empire brick by brick. He actually likes the idea, and if all goes to plan, Anna will be destitute in less than four weeks time.

As soon as we finish the conversation, Mario and all the family arrive, and Massimo gets straight to the point. Everyone is happy to be on board, as Laura was and is still is well loved and respected by all.

We are so close to bringing Anna down, and before we part ways for the day, we share a drink together to remember Laura....

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