Chapter 34 - Happiness And Joy

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After such a gruelling and agonising 800 days, Lorita Graniescu now ceases to exist - Laura Biel is back from the dead, and very much ready to reclaim the life that is rightfully hers.

Legally, there is no issues, as only Massimo and Mario are connected to Malagio Holdings, but there will be the matter of me now becoming a partner in the business. This has been so long coming, and I, for one, am so ready to start the next chapter of my life.

However, I have to ensure this grand opening runs smoothly, and I have some mingling to do....
How can anything top this - right now, I am more than a relieved man, I am also a proud one. For the last two years, I have seen just how much Laura and Massimo have had to go through.

Laura truly has proven more than worthy of my nephew, and Massimo is lucky to have found a loyal and loving partner in Laura. Seeing Anna and Philipe outed was not only wonderful, but it closes the door on any future 'enterprises' Anna may attempt to conjure up.

Now, we are all in celebratory mode. I have asked Marco to keep watch over us in line with Laura's men, and I think it fair to say our arsenal has just improved significantly.

While I am not sure what Massimo and Laura have planned for long term, in the short term, it will be great to not have to walk on eggshells trying to deal with Anna and her nonsense.

As Domenico and I get to the bar, we both order the best scotch they have available - and we drink to the success of The Italia and beyond.....
We are counting down to the official opening, and Laura and Olga are working the room. It is more than a relief to me to be finally rid of Anna. As I look at my soon to be wife and the Mother of my son, I am thinking of all the things I am looking forward to when we get to bed tonight, and every night for that matter.....

I look around the room and see Mario and Domenico enjoying a scotch at the bar, and I think it would be bad manners not to join them - after all, what is a true celebration without a glass of the finest scotch we can drink......
I can't stop crying. How the hell did I get here! Philipe is looking at me, and I ask him what the hell does he want - validation, my admiration, what?

He screams at me to shut up, and grabs me by the arms. I am now genuinely fearful of him, and he looks at me and asks where am I going to go now, and most importantly, how am I going to get his family their money back.

Seeing the look of wrath on his face, do I realise just how big of a situation I am in. I tell him to let go of my arms, and slap him across the face, hard. I scream no man puts his hands on me without my permission, ever.....

This guy has the nerve to go for his gun, but, before he can even blink, I quickly grab his gun and point it at him. I may have been a fool tonight, but I know how to shoot and he better not make me any madder than I already am.....

As I turn to look back at the guards watching me, they notice the gun in my arms and quickly draw theirs. I sigh in despondence, and get a taxi with Philipe back to my Family Estate. When I tell my Father about what has happened, he will lose it big time......
It is now time for the opening, and I announce myself to the crowd. I receive loud cheers and clapping, and quickly get on with it. People seem keen to spend their money - who am I to hold them back.....

Massimo walks up beside me, and we open the Casino, together. It is now official, and we open up. The crowd go ballistic, and I am truly humbled we have managed to achieve everything in such a short period of time.....

We all get together at the bar, and I invite everyone to the Apartment which is my residence when I will be in Rome. I ensured this was done first, as it is a large space and required a lot of work.

Once we walk in, everyone is stunned at the grandeur. Massimo pulls me into his arms, and asks me is there anything else I want. I look at my love, and tell him exactly what I want - that makes him smile from ear to ear, and I assume he is more than happy to do that.....
Now the opening has occurred and people are spending their hard earned money, Laura takes us up to her Apartment. Quite frankly, I would much rather stay at my own Hotel, but the moment we walk in I am impressed.

This is way better than my Suite, and I pull Laura to me. I can't help it, I ask her cockily if there is anything else she wants - Laura, with her sass that I love so much, tells me what I never expected to hear....

She wants us married, and to have another baby....hell yeah! I can't stop smiling, and little does she know I will spend whatever it takes and do everything necessary to give Laura and Gio the family life they so very much deserve....
We have all just entered Laura's Apartment, and it is huge! Seeing as this is a celebration, I wrap my arm around my wife and smile - I now ask everyone to gather around, and open the bottles of champagne Laura has on the table.

I make a toast to Laura and Massimo, and Olga and I - Mario asks what about him, and everyone starts laughing. We are the Torricelli's, and we have been through hell and back. As I look at Olga and Laura, I see the future of this family is in such good hands.

One day, Gio and Olivia will share in the fruits of our labours, so that is something worth looking forward to - Here's to the family future,  and all the happiness and joy that comes with it....

800 DaysDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora