Chapter 23 - Sheer Genius

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Oh great! Massimo has just arrived home, and while I may only have a small amount of control over my situation at present, I am eagerly awaiting my chance to be in full control....

As soon as he sees me his demeanour changes. He is curt with me, yet I find this rather hot. Philipe is the epitome of a man, and sadly for me when he feels the desire, Massimo is the epitome of a real man. There is huge difference between the two, and I miss the real Massimo so much....

To my displeasure, Massimo and Mario have a business dinner planned with Domenico, so I won't be able to have any fun. Then again, this will give me the chance to fine tune my plans. As I have some time to myself, this will give me an opportunity to make this count.....
Olga and I have had a busy few months. Olivia keeps us up for most of the night, and now I have let Olga know Laura is alive, our lives have become much more serious.

Explaining the situation to my wife was difficult, and her reaction was not surprising. Olga is very disappointed with Laura, but given the situation, I understand how delicate a conversation that would have been for Laura....

Tonight, Massimo and Mario are having dinner with us, as Olga will be needed to help this situation along. Mario didn't go into too much detail, but it would be fair to say we are heading down the home stretch - at least I hope so....

After talking about family all through dinner, we put Olivia to bed. Once we settle in the lounge, Mario talks to us about what we need from Olga. Surprisingly, Olga not only is happy to step up for Laura, but she suggests something a little over the top......

For Olga to come up with this idea is sheer genius, and I am so proud of my wife. It takes us a little over an hour to hatch the plan, and tomorrow, Olga will do her part. If she is right, this could end up finishing the Gattuso Family completely....
Mario and I have just left Domenico and Olga's, and after our discussions, I am impressed with Olga's suggestion - she has connections back in Warsaw that specialise in computer software and programs.

As such, she is going to contact them tomorrow, and we are going to set up some dummy websites to draw Anna in. It won't be enough to just send her financially broke, we need to ensure she never recovers from this - we need the embarrassment to her and the Gattuso family to be long lasting.

On a brighter note, Olivia is getting so big, and she is a beautiful little girl. She is feisty like her Mother, and Domenico is a good Dad - protective and loving all the way....

Part of me is jealous, as he is able to be a Dad to Olivia, while I need to bring Anna down to have my chance with Gio. I have nineteen months to make up for, and believe me, I will be that man, like I have always wanted to be....
The moment Massimo and I arrive back, I head to my office. I have to make some calls, and we need to ensure Anna is fully aware of what is 'happening.' Massimo seems more on board with this plan than before, and I know that having Olga step up means a lot.

I was not the biggest fan of Olga when we met. She is too much like Laura, and I have to be honest and say I wasn't looking forward to dealing with two of them. In our line of business, we need to be the soul of discretion - something both Laura and Olga originally were not.....

Now, seeing both of them step up and lead the way, should be a concern but strangely enough it isn't. For so long this Family has relied on the men to lead the way.

Now, the women are the ones stepping up, and if this does work, our Family will become more than just a powerhouse. My brother started this Family on a nickel and a dime, and now, our future will very much rely on what some would say outsiders.....

Tradition will only get us so far, and in this day and age, we need to evolve to be able to survive.....
To think only a week ago I was in Rome, being so close to Massimo yet having to keep my distance. Today, I am on the verge of getting the revenge I so desperately deserve....

Anna is so greedy, making this much easier than I expected. To sell her my dream, I made it clear this will require a great deal of money - which I know she and her family do not have.

Mario informed me of the Gattuso Portfolios some time ago, and it didn't register with me at the time, but now, I see what Anna is about. She clearly loves being the boss, but that also requires the financial backing of her family......

The Gattuso's are nowhere in the league of the Torricelli's, and I can see why she latched on to Massimo so quickly - the fact he is the whole package was an added bonus....

My blood boils every time I think about the fact Anna wanted to kill me just so she could have the money, the name and the man. Is her life that superficial she needed to sink to that extreme?

Some would say Anna has more than I, and while that may be true in part I have the one thing she doesn't - the love and unwavering support of my family. The idea anyone would would be so desperate for status reflects on the type of person they truly are....

Anna has made me see I do have it all, and to think, it is all because of her. I wonder what she will think of that when she realises what ripple effect her actions and behaviours have caused and resulted.

Then again, maybe she is not that bright......

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