Chapter 7 - My Respect

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When I woke up this morning I felt a shift. I have no idea why or what it means, but I am feeling as if something is going to happen. Anna and I were having breakfast when Mario came down.

After Anna quickly made her exit, Mario informed me he may have more information about who owns The Italia, and is hoping to find something out today.

Aside from that, the family assets have been enriched - Anna's partner Philipe doesn't know that I have gained control of his family's primary assets, and I have no intention of returning them.

My people have been quick afoot to get things done on my behalf, and as of this morning I am in the process of gaining control of the Gattuso family's primary assets as well. If my team can do this successfully and under the radar, Anna will also be left with next to nothing.

As much as I would like to see them both poor and with nothing left, I also remember that Laura once told me the power of the man is not what he owns, but how he handles the situation - whether it is good or bad.....

Laura has shown me so much, given me so much. I may be a gangster, but I have come to see having everything at my disposal has meant nothing without her by my side. Losing my father was a pain I never wanted to experience again, and when I lost Laura, that pain was much stronger.

Now, all I can do is move forward, and hope that both my father and Laura will be proud of me....
After spending time with Laura and Giovanni, and visiting the construction site of The Italia, I am on the plane back to Sicily. Laura has given me a mobile number for Massimo to contact her on, and with that, I hope Massimo will let this matter go....

Once I arrive back in Sicily, Anna is at home giving orders like she runs the place. Massimo isn't here, and I acknowledge her with a hello but can't get away from her quick enough.

I head to my office, and make some calls. I know Anna has had the house phones all wired, and I am deliberately using the landline for certain matters.

Massimo and I both agreed this was needed to lull Anna into a false sense of security, and that with this she will dig herself into an even bigger hole.
Today has been a little quieter than usual. Massimo isn't here, and Mario has meetings in Rome. I have organised something special for dinner, and as such I am telling the staff what I want done.

Mario has just returned, and he looks surprised to see me. He quickly says hello and excuses himself. I notice he heads for his office, and I can't get the smile off my face.

I have put wires on all the landlines, and I have been accumulating crucial information for my future endeavours. I have received some useful intel, and when I deem it necessary I will use it.

I know Mario has been a supporter of me being with Massimo, and as such he has my respect. However, I am acutely aware family comes first and this makes me weary, but in fairness to Mario he hasn't given me any reason to question his attitudes with regards to me being 'the lady of the manor.'

When I gain full control, Mario will be welcome to keep his place here, but knowing I have the power, this will make life so much easier for me.....
Domenico and I have had a busy day. Olga went into labour early, and as a consequence we have been at the hospital all day. I am now a proud Uncle, as Olga gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

Domenico is smitten, and while I am happy for them I feel wistful. I am jealous of their happiness, as this should have been happening for Laura and I.

I have just arrived home from the hospital, and Anna has organised a special dinner for us. I am not really hungry, but the diversion will do me some good.....

Dinner was nice, and while Anna seems hell bent on seducing me, I just want to go to bed. Luckily Mario has come down, and he has heard about Olga giving birth.

We all have a toast to Domenico, Olga and the baby, and this is one of the rare moments we have put everything aside. I know in my head and my heart, this is only temporary, very temporary....
Today has been eventful, and my little man and I are sitting down to watch his favourite TV show, Scooby Doo. Considering my Polish background, I never thought I would take to any American programs, especially a cartoon with a talking dog....

Gio, however, loves Scooby Doo. I never thought a talking dog and Scooby snacks would catch my son's attention, but he watches every episode and doesn't move. I bought him a plush dog for a teddy bear, and he sleeps with it every night....

It is just on 8, and I have put Gio to bed. As I look at him while he sleeps I think of Massimo, and how much I want to be back in Sicily. I am nervous and excited to be hearing from him about The Italia, and it will be so good to hear his voice.

It is times like this I miss his warmth, his touch, the way he makes me feel so protected. I haven't been with anyone since the accident, as to be honest, no man will match Massimo and Gio is my priority.

After getting some work done, I go to bed. As I drift off to sleep I remember the first time Massimo told me he loves me, and the times we spent showing each other how we feel. I really miss that so much, and hopefully Mario will be able to help Massimo take Anna down. That, to me, would be like coming home.....

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