Chapter 4 - Eurpoean Based

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Massimo and I have our talk outside away from prying eyes and ears. As I hand him the folder, I look at him with apprehension. The minute he opens the folder, and sees the name of the shell corporation that 'owns' the hotel, his demeanour changes.

He looks up at me in total surprise, and before he has the opportunity to ask, I quickly inform Massimo the Hotel is owned by a conglomerate based in The Cayman Islands, and the names of the directors are unknown.

Sensing his curiosity, I tell him that we believe the owners are European Based, and that we have been unable so far to gather any further intel.

Massimo is not happy, but, even I realise the importance of keeping the true ownership from him, as he needs to be kept in the dark about Laura - at least until all the family financial assets are taken care of and Anna is dealt with.

As for Anna, she has over played her hand. However, we have to proceed with caution, as it is a delicate situation already, and one I do not want to provoke by making a hasty move.

Laura is due to arrive here in a month, and that is when our problems will begin. I am hoping she can keep a low profile while here, and that she and Massimo don't come face to face....
What the?!? When Mario handed me the folder, I expected a lot more information than this. Whoever owns that Hotel, they are keeping their names anonymous, and that is something I would do myself.

Then it dawns on me this could be one of our rivals who owns the Hotel. When Mario mentions the thought the owners are European based it makes sense, as all of our associates would not disclose any information that isn't necessary.

I know what I have to do, I will have to find a way to meet with someone from that conglomerate myself and see what happens from there. Of the Hotels I own, none have come close to the scope and range this Hotel has on offer for its clients.

Not only would it be prudent, but wise to find out more. I get the sense Mario is not telling me everything, and while we have no secrets I feel he knows something I don't....
Oh my! I feel so desired right now. Philipe and I are making up for lost time, and I am now all pleasured out. We have spent the last five hours in bed, and as a woman who has needs, this is the ultimate.

While part of me still loves Massimo, I know that his heart isn't with me - and he will pay dearly for that. My family should have taken care of my situation, but as we didn't have the resources or the manpower to do so I have had to come up with my own methods of dealing with my issues.

I am so looking forward to the day I become the power, and until then, I will enjoy knowing what is going to be mine.....

I decide to take a shower and head back to Massimo's. I don't want him getting too comfortable, as I need to ensure his weakness is my biggest strength.....
After my long discussion with Mario, I have some dinner. I have not heard from Anna, and in a way, I am relieved. I need the break from her, and to be honest I feel my insides churn when she is around.

I need to keep a level head, and while that is a daily struggle, I know I need to do this, for Laura. Loving her has meant everything to me, even though my father was adamant I needed to focus on the family and my birthright, I also came to see what I was so desperately needing and lacking in my life - love.

When Laura admitted she loved me, my world fell into place. Sadly, I never got the opportunity to show her how much she meant to me, and only being able to feel what it would be like to make love with her once is something that will haunt me forever.

I never considered marriage or children, yet with Laura I wanted that so, so much. Seeing Laura in that coffin is a memory I will never forget, and now I have my one and only shot at revenge, I also see this as my only chance of a smidgin of the happiness Laura and I should have had together.....
I am putting Giovanni to bed, and as I look at him as he sleeps I am seeing so much of Massimo in him. I remember what it felt like being in his arms, and how I felt nothing but love and protection.

To think when we first met Massimo was so cold. It took me a while to realise his exterior was keeping him from showing me his interior. When I finally broke those walls down, I fell so deeply in love with him.

Our sex life was fantastic, and while I admit Massimo seemed to enjoy rough sex I know the one and only time we made slow passionate love in our bed left me wondering if he could really change that drastically.

I never got the chance to find out, as I had my 'accident.' I never wanted to leave him, but knowing I was pregnant with Giovanni I had to make what I would best describe as the hardest and most painful decision I will ever make.....

Observing just how much Massimo was devastated made me reconsider my 'death,' but as Mario rightly pointed out, we needed to ensure Anna was no longer a threat.

As I am that one step closer to finally being back with the man I love, all I want is for Massimo to hold me. I feel safest in his arms,
and if he will let me, I will do everything possible to prove to him I will never leave him again.

Massimo protected me, and now it is my turn to protect him - even if it is from a distance.....

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