Chapter 31 - Rise Like A Phoenix

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I am looking around, and I see many familiar faces. There is everyone from famous actors, models, politicians, and even rockstar musicians.

Philipe is loving the scene before us, and as I am absorbing the atmosphere, I notice Mario, Olga and Domenico are here. They all approach us, looking surprised to see me.

When I mention receiving an invite from Ms Graniescu, Olga congratulates me on making her acquaintance, as she knows many people who have attempted to associate themselves with her, but have been unable to do so.

In the corner of my eye, I see Marco keeping an observing eye, and I ask why they are here. Domenico responds by mentioning Massimo is interested in broadening the family business, and that as he is unable to make it here tonight, they are here representing his interests.

I inwardly jump up and down, knowing I have achieved what they clearly couldn't - just you all wait, when I take control of this establishment and Ms Graniescu's empire you will bow to me, make no mistake.....
The moment we see Anna and Philipe, we all make our presence known. She seems surprised to see us, yet Olga reels her in beautifully. Mentioning her associates inability to make Ms Graniescu's acquaintance was a brilliant touch, and the way she kept her face neutral is such a turn on.

I know we have another hour before the official opening, and while Massimo and Laura are wholed up awaiting their moment, Mario, Olga and I need to ensure things run according to plan.

So far, my wife is making this look so damn easy, and while we all dislike Anna, Olga actually loathes her. When Laura told her everything, my wife's reaction was simple - she wanted to bring Anna down, no matter what!

I am watching Anna check out the scenery, and the moment she sees Marco she quickly asks why we are all here. Knowing what Laura suggested, I tell Anna my cousin is looking at this establishment as a means of perhaps broadening the family business.

The look on her face is priceless, and she beams at me - clearly thinking we have no idea what her plans are. Oh you b***h, just you wait.....
So far everything is going according to plan. Laura and I are currently holed up in the control office, and between her security team and mine, we have the whole place covered.

Anna and Philipe look quite pleased with themselves, and as I look at my beautiful soon to be wife, I start to feel turned on. Laura has planned this, all down to the most minute detail, and quite frankly, I am so over Anna and her nonsense.

To think I actually had some feelings for her - what a stupid fool I was. Considering Anna is from a respected family, I truly thought her morals would match her upbringing - clearly not.....

As a result, I will be taking down the whole Gattuso Family, and when everything is all said and done, I know her father Angelo will be so furious with her. Of all the people in this I am sorry for hurting, it is Angelo.

He has been a good friend and respected ally of my late father, and if I am able, I will do my best to minimise the hit he takes - the rest of that family, well, they can thank Anna for me tossing them to the kerb.

Her greed and inability to show remorse or emotion with regards to Laura leaves me no option but to take it all. I have Laura and Gio to think of, and I can't leave it to chance Anna will find a way to rise like a phoenix - that can't and won't happen.....
In two hours I will have Anna right where I want her. For now, Massimo and I are currently in the confines of the control office, and as we look at all the available monitors, everyone seems to be enjoying themselves.

I look to my love, and I hand him the papers that Anna will sign to give him control of all her assets - and Massimo can't stop smiling. As of now, Malagio Holdings is a subsidiary company which Massimo owns majority share.

When Anna signs everything over, the Holdings will increase dramatically, meaning she will be left with nothing. Any assets she managed to swindle from Philipe and others will be in the hands of the Torricelli Family, and judging by the huge smile on my love's face, we are going to be celebrating this victory for a long time to come.....
It is now 7.50pm, and the evening is in full swing. Philipe looks ready to kick butt, but we have to keep the focus on the endgame. Lorita Graniescu is due to meet with me anytime now, and I am more than ready to show my hand.

As I look around, I see money, money, money. This place will be such a money making machine, and I can't wait to enjoy the spoils that this place will provide me with. As I come out of my thoughts, I see four security guards approaching me.

True to form, it is now time to meet with Ms Graniescu. Philipe and I are making our way to the meeting point, and we look at each other ready to make our move....
This is it, it is time. I have sent my security to escort Anna and Philipe to the meeting point, and Massimo and I are about to leave the control office.

Massimo calls Mario to inform him we are on the move, and the next five minutes will determine who will win the battle of the future. So far, Anna has had the upper hand, but now, it is my turn to turn the tables......
Massimo has just called me to confirm it is time. Marco and the team escort us to where Laura had shown us, and Olga looks ready to roll. Domenico and I need to keep her in check, as we can't afford to make any mistakes.

This is our one and only opportunity, and Laura deserves this point of reckoning. I am trying so hard to keep my face neutral, but even I am getting excited. The family hasn't had this much excitement in a long time....

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