Who is she?

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Jisoo's P.O.V.

"Unnie.. I sure u don't know him at all?" Lisa asked
" Lisa for the 58th time I'm saying it's a no 'NO'" I groaned trying to focus on the front path we r stuck over here for a more than 2 weeks I couldn't even contact to Jen or Chae it was a tough time specially when I'm always being tried to control by that brat, Taehyung.. now I was actually tryna find the 'possible' ways to get outcha he-
"But unnie I never let anyone to call you so familiar names and I allowed him to call u Noona!!" I got cut off my thoughts by Lisa's extreme level of curiosity
"I just.. argh.. I just don't know.. " I heaved a sigh and continued "Lisa I know I love him.. but I need to be strong and get over him soon ok..? "
I saw her expression change , she slightly nodded seeing her like that ..I changed the topic
"Great! Now let's find the way out so that we can go to our home again"

" I guess I said you are not allowed to roam about freely like this" I immediately recognised the deep voice
Not again..

I turned around to find the one and only person, Taehyung..

"And I guess I said you we aren't your prisoners" I said firmly
He stared at me intensely, I did the same .He broke the eye contact and sighed, I furrowed my brows
Suddenly he came forward and hold my hand tightly and started dragging me to some nowhere
"Where the heck are we going ?" I asked being irritated
"Shut up and come " he opened the door and a room came in view which looked quite like a office.
He went near the table and started finding something when I took the chance to look inside the room. I saw a CCTV screen in which I saw my room too.. so he can see my room ok... WAIT WHAT!
"Catch" he threw a paper  towards me
I glared at him but catch it
But- wait! It's a picture of Aerene omma holding a little boy ... She looks much younger
"Who is she?" Taehyung asked, coldly
I kept a straight face and answered that I didn't know
"Jisoo-ssi don't lie to me " he said, gritting his teeth
"I guess I am saying you from the very beginning that you will never get any kind of information or anything from me" I smirked
A/N P.O.V.

Suddenly Taehyung came forward and pushed her to the wall blocking her two sides with his hands
"Answer my damm QUESTION" he said with a deep voice which made the girl shiver in the process.
But she's something too she stomped on his feat making the latter groan in pain and then gave him a headlock
Just as a fight gonna begin
Someone opened the door harshly
"Tae I have to come wit-" Jimin got surprised to see Taehyung sitting on the ground, while Jisoo standing with a blank face
"What did I miss" he asked
"Taehyung who did this to you wait is that u Jisoo-ssi? O MY GOD how can I miss it wait let me call others or let me bring my camera can I do that to him again?" Jimin blabbered non chantly Jisoo tried not to laugh but failed miserably
"Shut the fuck up u two" Taehyung growled "I was.. I didn't go hard on her that's the thing"
"Can't u accept the fact that you are a loser?" Jisoo asked wiggling her eyes
Taehyung glared at her while Jimin scoofed
Just before another fight began Jimin dragged Taehyung out by saying he has something important
"It was nice meeting you" Jimin said to Jisoo before going out
Strange thing, he didn't flirt with her

It was a quarter past in afternoon the whole mansion was pin drop silence. While a girl was looking around the mansion studying the possible ways to get out. Jisoo stopped near a wall, it's full of the boys pictures. Strangely there wasn't a single picture of their childhood there's a pic of Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin making weird faces which caused the latter laugh again in another one Taehyung was showing his  boxy smile the girl  muttered some praises that he really looked good while smiling, on the the other one they all were all standing together. They were 7 .. she still doesn't meet three among them
A  certain picture then caught her attention it was the biggest one among them placed on the centre of the wall , it was of Taehyung and a girl , in her teen age
The girl looked really beautiful and too familiar for her. But she couldn't remember where.. she closed her eyes and tried hard but her head started paining it happens every time she tries to think of her past .
"Why can't I remember... Who is she?.."

I will be updating another part soon
Please remember these characters are not related to the actual ones from any part it's totally imagination and so here  the ages, surnames of he characters are somewhat changed. Don't get confused
meet ya soon😉

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