I just hope that you could consider me in your life.

He said this earlier and I finally got what he meant. I honestly felt grateful to meet Atsumu. Now I know the truth. Suna might continue cheating behind me, making me look like a fool if Atsumu didn't force him to tell me. It was all thanks to Atsumu. It was him who helped me getting out from that toxic relationship.

I held his hands firmly, looking straight into his eyes. Slowly my lips curved into a sincere smile. "Thank you" I uttered. Words couldn't describe how thankful I am to him. I was blinded with the love I have for Suna and Atsumu was my savior. I couldn't imagine what will happen if Suna didn't tell me that night. Atsumu smiled back at me, interlacing our fingers. "You're most welcome, baby"



I knocked the door. It was probably the fifth or sixth time. "Rintarou" I called his name.

"What do you want?" Suna asked, voice coming from behind. I turned to look at the voice's owner. Suna didn't seemed to be in a good mood. "Where have you been?" was the first thing that I asked. "I had class" he responded. "Don't lie to me. I called Osamu and he said you ran out from the class. You were fighting with Atsumu" I looked up at the tall guy. I have so much things to ask. I just can't help but to noticed that he has been acting weird lately. Ever since the night of Kita's party.

"Why did you fight with him?" I asked him another question before he could even answer. "At least I didn't punch him" Suna wasn't even looking at me. I became even more frustrated. "Where did you go?" I sounded tired. Suna has been pushing me way too much. He's not like this. He's not like the Suna I met before. He's now more gloomy and moody. He became quieter. "I went to practice my serve" he said.

"I've answered your questions. Now, if you don't mind leaving me alone. It's been a tiring day for me" he unlocked the door, opening it after. I couldn't hold it any longer. I hugged him tight from behind. My head rested on his back. "Rin... I missed you" I said softly. He turned to look at me. I tiptoed, giving him a long kiss on his lips while I had my eyes closed. I missed him so much. I felt distant lately and I wanted to fix us back. I wanted him to be close to me. I wanted him to always be by my side.

I'm just afraid that one day he would leave me. Will he do that?

Suna breathed on my neck. We were sweating so bad. My fingers were buried in his hair, playing with it softly. Suna looked at me before getting up to take off the condom and tie it up. He then threw it into the dustbin and get dressed. I pulled the duvet to cover my naked body.

"You can go home once you get dressed" he said as he put on his sweatpants. "What? Just like that?" I asked, disbelief. "We just had sex and what happened to your aftercare?" my voice was half-raised. I can't believe him. "You wanted it and I granted it" he glared at me. It was a sharp glare as if it could kill me. I gulped. "Don't forget to clean up the sheet before you leave" he opened the door and walked out, leaving me naked on his bed.

I buried my face in my hands and let out a heavy sigh. I thought we could make things up but I was wrong.


I linked my arm around Atsumu's as we walked out from the theatre. How come we ditched a class to watch a movie. Atsumu fed himself another popcorn he was holding. "Was it good?" he asked, looking at me. I nodded. The movie was surprisingly good. I'm actually not into comedy but that one really had my stomach hurt from laughing too much. I didn't know Atsumu was into comedies. "Great. I picked that movie on purpose. You must feel sad with what I told you earlier and that's why I want you to gain your cheerful self back" he patted my head gently.

I squeezed his arm. I couldn't hide my shyness. He's really something and that something never failed to give me this butterfly feelings.

"Thank you" I tiptoed and kissed him on the cheek. "Hey! You can't do that all of a sudden" he pouted, probably blushing at the surprise kiss. I giggled. "You're cute" I squished his cheek. "No. You are" he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, heading out from the cinema. "Now what?" I asked. He looked at his watch. "Come with me" he pulled my hand and walked towards his car.

Atsumu stopped his car in front of a mansion. I looked at the big house. It was a modern Japanese's house.

"What are we doing here? Whose house is this?" I asked, head facing him. "This is my parent's house. You'll be joining our family's dinner tonight" he said, fixing my hair. I widened my eyes, shocked. "Wait what?" I held the seatbelt tight. I suddenly felt nervous. Why did he bring me here? Why do I have to meet his parents? "Don't you think it's too early? Besides, we're not dat..." Atsumu immediately cut me off before I could even finish. "It's just a dinner, you silly" he laughed, ruffling my hair. "What were you thinking of?" he smirked. "Wanted to be my wife that bad, huh?" he teased.

"No! Who said that I'm going to marry you?" I rolled my eyes, unbuckling my seatbelt. "You'll have my kids eventually" he winked playfully. My cheeks grew reddish again. However, the nervousness in me kept rising. Who would expect that I'll be meeting Atsumu's family for the first time.

Wicked Game | Miya AtsumuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora