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I was awoken by an excited deseria singing love songs while opening my curtains to let in the brighr sunlight
"Five more minutes" i begged while slamming the pillow over my head to sheild my eyes and ignore the world.
" Im sorry Malori but weve got to get you into your dress and ceremony ready"
It hit me. Im getting married today. Kill me
The pillow was snatched from my head and andso were the covers. Just awful
"Whats first?"
" First a tootbrush, you smell" deseria chuckled " Then we are taking you to put on your dress and hair and makeup but a minimum because your face is lovely natural"
"Ugh" I took the toothbrush and thought about how Kinosu must be feeling about all this i also thought about how she must hate marrying a women as well. Sacraficing everything to save her kingdom too, i was pretty hard on her the other day and decided i should apologize for my rudeness i was really upset when i should've realized she was roped into this too. God im horrible. Just as i was self hating Deseria came in to let me know the carriage was there to take me for hair and makeup then to my dress. I got in reluctantly and we started our day
-Fast forward an Hour-
We got to the dress shop and my lotd the dress was exquisite it looked like it had been crafted by God himself.
" It was made for the most beautiful girl in all the land, you milori"
Deseria said with a smile and motioned for me to out it on and i will say i looked amazing the sheer fabric of the dress hugged my body in all the right places it was a golden dress with red undertones with a nice slit in the side that flattered my legs amd showed my semi decent calves. I was breathe taking i was ready for this wedding!
- As we approached the venue where my wedding would be held my stomach churned and i was sad that my parents couldnt be there to see me walk down the aisle even if the wedding was arranged it wouldve still been nice.
i decided deseria would walk me down the aisle
The music started to play and just like that i started walking down the aisle and that's when i seen her, she was beautiful wearing a black tux with a flower to match my dress and her hair pulled into a tight ponytail to the back now showing the tattoo of what looked like a tiger on her neck which complimented her outstanding jawline.. she was dropdead gorgeous how everyone talked about him well.. her. her HER, i still couldn't believe I was marrying a woman everything in me and told me that it was wrong but I knew it was what I had to do for my kingdom. and besides she wasn't at all bad looking so maybe we turn out to be best friends during this arranged wedding and laugh at our misery together.
I arrive at the altar and she looked at me with sincerity in her eyes.
"You look beautiful milady"
" As do you milday"
The preist looked genuinely confused as he looked around..
"Wheres the prince?"
There will be no prince we are marrying today good sir"
He looked repulsed but went on with the ceremony
Kinosu said her vows to make my life spectacular with trips aeound the world and love even though wed just mer we knew we had to do this for the people watching and then the time came
Do you Kinosu take Milori to be your lawfully wedded wife as long as you both shall live?
She looked at me with a smile and said
" I do"
"Do you Milori take Kinoso to be your lawfully wedded wife for as long as you both shall live?"
I froze and thought about how this was wrong then i looked up at kinosu with that smile she had and with that persuasive smile i muttered the words
" I do"
"By the power vested in me i pronounce you wife and wife you may now kiss the bride"
"i dont think thats nec-"
Before i could finish my sentence Kinosu's lips met mine in a small kiss making our marriage official. I was a married women i could not believe it and too a women of all things ha the things theyll say about me in the quarter.
We went back to the castle i showered and went i to my room to get clothing but to my surprise when i opened my wardrobe it was empty same thing with my drawers i was confused then it hit me im married my clothes and belongings are going with me to my wifes castle..Kill me.

Sort Of TabooOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora