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I awoke in my room with a towel on my head and a familiar face staring a hole into my soul.
"Are you ok love you landed pretty hard out there"
For some reason chills ran down the back of my spine at the name shed just called me, maybe i was cold?
"Im fine i just had this weird dream the you were the prince i was supposed to be meeting and i freaked"
"Im sorry but it was no dream i am your prince and i was hoping we could talk about arranging our marriage today as both kingdoms are in need of new rulers"
i began to get lightheaded again though this time i didnt pass out instead i got up to confront the one person who had to know something about this sick joke . My Father
"Dont you think you should be resting love?
"No! I think i need to get to bottom of this tom foolery before i explode"
Looking hurt she disappeared from sight i felt bad for yelling at her but this was not something to be taken lightly.
Father!!! Father!! Tell me you didn't know id be meeting with a women yesterday! Tell me you werent in on this forbidden love thing!
I remembered father was ill and the yelling would stress him out and i quieted down
"I did know.. I set it up because you sent away every other suitor in the nation and she was the last in the looking for a marriage and she agreed.. youre going to hate me for this but we need a new leader i am a man of a certain age and i dont have much time left"

"Father i refuse to marry a women surely there is someone else or something else we can do to ensure our kingdoms prosperity!"
He put his head down as if something was weighing on him but he was scared to say it.
"I already signed the contract sweetheart you are getting married to her in fact the maids are setting up your venue now the service is tomorrow and your dress is being prepared as we speak"
He reached for the tear falling down my cheek but i pushed his hand away and stormed out of the room.I can't believe he signed me away like some peice of property with no feelings but it dawned on me that's exactly what a women is around here i ran faster tears clouding my eyes vision so blurred i ran into deseria she held me close and shushed me until i calmed down, After my break down i explained to her what had happened and she ran me a bath and made my favorite dish and turned on a movie for me and laid with me until i fell asleep completely forgetting about what nightmares lay ahead the following day.

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