A New Beginning

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After a long night of pouting and sobs i finally arrived to Prisunto Kingdom and dare i say it was better than mine. They had the greenest grass in all the land and the smell of food and smiles of town folk was a sight for sore eyes, people in my kingdom rarely smiled but here thats all you saw.
How are you liking it so far My queen?" Kinosu said with a worried look on her face almost as if she was scared id get out and walk all the way back home.
" Its beautiful Kinosu, the people look so happy here!"
"Thats always been how we rule, the people come first here. Ever since I was a little girl my father had told me the kingdom is only as strong as its weakest link, so we made sure everyone was strong and taken care of."
"Thats so sweet, ive never really spent time with towns folk considering im couped up in the castle so much, i was nice enough to show you around how about you do the same for me?" I said with puppy dog eyes.
"I will be sure to show you our town and culture after we get you settled into the castle. After this long drive im sure youre tired and ready to take a nap."
"I am no-" i said as a long yawn ket itself out at the entirely wrong moment.
Kinosu giggled and motioned for me to look up ahead, as i did a huge sandy castle presented itself.
The sight of this castle was breathtaking the loght shined brightlg on its perfectly placed bricks. The windows were scattered masterfully on each side of the castle there was no growing vines like my old home and the tallness of the towers were way more intimidating.
"Are you ready Queen?"
"I- Yes i am"
She issued for the drivers to take my bags inside as she showed me around, the castle had a red based interior that had gold in the walls as well they sparkled at just a glimmer of light. She showed me there kitchen that had all the latest contraptions, things id never even heard of, she led me to the garden that had the most beautiful flowers she even picked one up and put it on my ear.
"Why did you do that?"
"A pretty flower for a pretty gorgeous girl, it seemed right" She smiled directly into my eyes looking for something i just didnt know what.
"Your majesty your mothers calling you to her quarters at once!"one of her im assuming maids said.
"Alright, Josely would you be a dear and show Moreli to her room?"
"Yes your majesty."
She bowed in front of me and disappeared from sight. For some reason when she left i felt alone we hadn't really got time to talk to eachother about anything since the first day we had met. I still have not apologized for my attitude towards her and i wanted nothing more than to say sorry for how i acted but ill just have to wait until she gets back.
"Are you ready my queen?"
"Oh please call me Milori!"
" I wouldn't dream of it if they heard me call you that id be fired."
"You said im your queen right?"
"Well duh your majesty" she said with a confused look.
"Then that means im your boss and you work for me too and i say you call me milori"
"Yes Ma'am i mean Milori, Your room is right this way."
"What is it your majesty"she said freightened.
I glared at her.
"I mean Is everything ok Milori?"
"Yes everything is perfect"
"Ill leave you to get settled in your clothing in already put up and if you need anything ring me or one of the other maids and we will be here in a hurry"
"Thank you Josely"
She nodded and left me all alone in this beautiful room.
It had a king sized bed that had my favorite color cover set and all the pillows a girl could dream with a silver wardrobe and white dresser there was a television the size of the windows on the house and i was dumbfounded at how they could make them that big. The bathroom was equally impressive, it smelled of roses and fresh linen as if it had been cleaned just for me. The shower was made of glass and the bathrub had holes in the sides of it which i later learned was where bubbles shot from into something called a jacuzzi, which felt really nice if you ask me. After some exploring i made my way back to my room changed into something more comfortable and i was out like a light.
" I see youve settled in nicely" a vouce said waking me out if my sleep.
"Can a girl ever sleep peacefully around here?" i said groggy
"Yes im sorry my queen"
At the sound of her voice i woke up completely.
She turned around curiosly.
"I have been meaning to speak with you about something."
"What would that be my queen?"
"I- well i just wanted to apologize for snapping at you when i found out you were my "prince". I didnt take into consideration you were being trapped into this too and maybe little old me wasnt your furst choice and instead you wanted to walk down that isle to a handsome husband and a family."
Suddenly her head fell and she scratched her head nervously.
I know you need time and you dont have to accept my apologiy but-
Then she hugged me tightly and put her head into my neck and stayed there for awhile.
"I knew id be marrying a women,
She trailed off and snapped back
"The truth is ive always known i was different since i was small i didnt like dressing up in fancy dresses going to parties with my fellow princesses instead i wanted to fence and rough house with the boys in my classes. Ive never dated a man, only women ive never been interested in any fairy tale ending with a big family and a husband that does all the heavy lifting while im at home, i want to experience the world. So youre wrong about me being roped into this i knew what i was getting myself into and i also know that you want all that stuff and i cant give it to you so although we are married; you dont have to be my wife only pretend at events to uphold tge image for our kingdoms and other than that you may pretend i don't exist."
She looked so heart broken, nothing like the confident women id met a few days ago.
This women was vulnerable and she was hurt, but she wasn't selfish, i had never been with a women nor attracted to a women my whole life and she understood that and she just wanted me happy. It was sweet.
"Im going out to clear my head princess enjoy your room if you need anything the maids will handle it."
"Wait my room? As in youre not sleeping in here?"
" Exactly, i understand you yot pulled into this marriage against your will and i respect that. I will be in a room across the castle giving you your space. In the rare chance that you do need me ask the maids for my chambers"
She looked up at me soft eyed
"Thank you"
She nodded and left me again in the empty room with lots on my mind.
I decided tomorrow shall be the day i start acting like a true queen so i drifted off slowly to sleep thinking about the next days tasks.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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