Present Day

574 17 3


Complete and utter Darkness

Rain poured down upon the roof of the Gray household. Two little girls and a boy sat wrapped in a blanket, along with their mother. A Disney movie playing on the screen in front of them. Distracted them from the storm outside.

A rustling could be heard from inside the kitchen. As Amelia and Maggie busied them in cleaning the dishes. And of course catching each other up on the latest gossip.

Lightning struck outside making the kids who occupied the couch jump in fright. It was a Saturday night so the gang could stay up a bit later than regularly.

A knock on the door brought the group away from the movie. Getting up slowly as to not wake the sleeping Ellis. Who had somehow found her on to  her lap.

Meredith quickly made her way over to the front door. Just before opening the door, however, a knock once again sounded from behind it.

Opening the door, in front of her, she was met by a black haired, Italian man, drenched to the bone.

"Andrew?" Meredith questioned, confused as to why the man stood on her door step, drenched in rain water.
"What are you-" Before she could finish her sentence, however, she was cut off by Andrew's lips placing themselves on her own.

"I couldn't stand not seeing you today." Andrew completed once he let go of her lips. "You're wet" Andrew replied looking down at her now damp shirt.

"I wonder why." Meredith giggled back at him. They stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like hours, but what could've only had been two minutes. Meredith's hands had now placed themselves on his chest. Andrew's hands had found their way down to waist.

Andrew suddenly wrapped his whole body around Meredith. Pressing himself tightly against her. Meredith not knowing he was about to do that let out a little squeal of fright.

"No, no, no, you're getting me even more wet." Meredith said trying to push him away from her. But she wasn't quite strong enough, and he wouldn't budge. The rain was still pouring around them, every now and then dripping onto Meredith's head.

"Oh, I see, I did my job well." Andrew said as he let go of Meredith. Her shirt and the upper part of her pants were now stuck to her body. Meredith pushed against his chest again, pushing him further away.

"I dislike you a lot, I hope you know that." Meredith said as Andrew approached her once again. Taking her hands in his he looked at her tenderly before adding.

"That's not true" He squeezed her hands slightly bringing her closer to him. And once again placed his lips upon hers.

Meredith smiled into the kiss tugging him towards her more. If that was even possible.

"Do you want to come in and watch a movie with the kids and I?" She asked after they disentangled themselves from their semi hug. He smiled down at her and gently pushed her hair out of her eyes.

"I would love to Mere." Andrew replied letting go of one of her hands so she could guide him into the house. Entering the house, the children were engrossed in the movie, seemingly not noticing who had shown up.

"Come, I have some extra clothes you can change into. So you don't have wear these wet ones, the whole time." Meredith said leading him towards the stairs. Following suit, she led him into her bedroom.

Ruffling through her drawers she pulled out an old shirt of his. That he had left at her house, just in case, as he liked to say.

"I hope you don't mind, this is the only one I can find at the moment. The others must be in the laundry." Meredith replied as Andrew looked back at her in confusion. Looking at the ground, she blushed.

"Ok, I might sleep in them every now and then." She replied as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Andrew smiled, a goofy smile, back at the woman in front of him.

"You sleep in my shirts?" he asked grabbing her waist and bringing her closer towards him.

"Is that such a bad thing?" She asked placing her hands on his chest. Staring up at him she met his eyes and returned the look of tenderness she was receiving from him.

"Gosh, You're amazing." He said bringing his nose down and lightly brushing her nose with his. Smiling Meredith closed the distance between them. And after a few quick pecks they pulled away.

After changing into warm and dry clothes the pair made their way back down the stairs.

"Drew!" Ellis yelled from the couch when she saw him. Signaling the other kids to look up at him as he made his way under group of blankets that had now accumulated the couch.

"Hi, guys," he replied hugging them all in turn after settling himself down on the couch. "What are we watching?" He asked Zola, who had now lent herself against the spot next to him. Ellis had already found her way onto his lap and Bailey was sat next to Zola on her other side.

"Frozen, have you seen it?" Zola asked turning her attention back to the tv in front of her.

"I have" Andrew replied as he adjusted Ellis on his lap so they were both comfortable. Patting the spot next to him, he signaled for Meredith to sit next to him.

Meredith quietly made her way over to him. And curled herself up against him. Her head laid upon his shoulder and his head slightly lent down against hers.

About two hours later Andrew slowly woke up from sleep. His neck hurt from leaning against Meredith's head for so long. But he, honestly, didn't care. He wouldn't trade this experience for anything in the world.

Taking in the scene beside him he was met with the sight of Meredith lent against him in a peaceful sleep. Ellis laid across their laps and Zola lent against his other side, Bailey was lent against Meredith's side.

He silently pulled Meredith agonist him more and smiled to himself when she unconsciously snuggled her nose further into his neck. Wrapping his arm around Zola he put his head back on top of Meredith's and once again drifted off to sleep.

Go for someone who is not only proud to have you, but will take every risk to be with you

I Wouldn't MindHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin