Then (10 months ago)

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"Zola, Bailey, Ellis!" Meredith called up the stairs. "Time to go. Put your shoes on." Meredith said gesturing for them to put on their shoes as she helped Ellis with hers.

Ellis wore a pair of small, pink, tennis shoes with velcro instead of shoe laces. Helping Ellis up from the chair she had sat in. Zola ran up to her seemingly all ready for their adventure, today.

"Do you have everything Zo?" Meredith asked running her hand through her daughters curls. Zola wore a striped shirt with a small, purple, backpack on her back.

"Yes, I have my book and everything you set out for me to pack. Including the first aid kit" Zola replied as she bounced the bag up and down on her shoulders.

"Good, Is Bailey ready?" Meredith asked into the living room where Bailey was sat playing with two of his dinosaur figures.

"Yes, mom. I'm ready when does Uncle Andrew get here?" Bailey asked as he turned towards the window of the living room.

"He will be here soon." She replied slightly giggling at his impatience. And as if answering all of their thoughts a knock sounded on the door.

"He's Here!" Bailey shouted jumping up from his position on the couch. Running quickly out of the room, Bailey was the first to reach the door of threshold.

Opening the door, Bailey was met with an Italian with black curly hair. Who wore a black, leather jacket and carried a motorcycle helmet in his hand.

"Hi, Andrew!" Bailey said excitedly throwing himself on Andrew's legs. Zola soon appears in front of them smiling to Andrew. She tugged him by the arm into the house. Ellis was next to greet him.

"Andrew!" Ellis yelled as she noticed his presence in the house.

"Hi, Elle Belle!" Andrew said as he lifted her up in his arms and snuggled his head into her hair. Bailey was currently, still, wrapped around his leg. So when he walked Bailey moved with him.

Sitting Ellis down on the ground he greeted Zola and untangled Bailey from his leg.

"Hi, Bailey," Andrew said kneeling down to his level to hug him in return. "How are the dinosaurs doing?" Andrew asked trying to hide the laughter from behind his tone.

"I was just playing with them before you came!" Bailey said holding Andrew by the shoulders. As if he was still hugging Andrew but at the same time showing he had the power here.

"Have you finished that book yet? The one I gave you the other day?" Andrew asked now turning his attention to Zola who stood on his left side.

Zola smiled back at him and nodded her head positively. "Yes! I finished it last night. It was amazing." Zola gushed as Andrew smiled at her.

He was, however, oblivious to Meredith. Who had been standing in the kitchen doorway ever since Bailey opened the door. So she had heard all of the conversations between him and her kids. And her heart felt as if it might melt.

Smiling to herself, she cleared her throat to indicate she was there.

"How long have you been there?" Andrew asked in shock, looking up from his position on the floor.

"Way longer than you think I was." Meredith replied giggling to herself slightly. Andrew smiled at her and she quickly returned the smile. Gesturing towards the door she asked "Are you ready to go?" She quickly made her way back to the threshold door. Opening it, as if, to confirm her question.

"Yes" he replied as they received a chorus of cheers from her kids. They quickly made their way to Meredith's car. And buckled everyone in including little Ellis in her car seat. Andrew sat in the passenger seat while Meredith sat in the drivers seat.

About forty minutes later they made it to their destination. Discovery Park, they had all decided earlier in the week to take a hiking trip as Zola had suggested to Meredith over breakfast.

"Alrighty troops, let's head out." Andrew said after Meredith had parked the car close to the hiking trail. Zola and Bailey quickly made their way out of the car. Both seemingly over excited about this hike they were about to go on.

They had never hiked this trail, even though Bailey loved to hike with his boy scout group. They hadn't made it to this trail quite yet as the were busy earning their patches.

Ellis had somehow made onto Andrew's shoulders as they set off towards the trail. Pulling a laugh from Meredith as she faced the two. Ellis really had him wrapped around her finger.

"Zola, Bailey!" Meredith called after her two oldest children. "Remember to stay where we can see." She replied catching up with the two excited children.

In the original plans for the trip. Andrew had invited his girlfriend, Sam. To join them, as Meredith and her hadn't had time to properly bond yet. But right as they were about to leave to go to Meredith's, Sam had been paged in for an emergency in the pit. So she sadly couldn't make it.

After about 20 minutes the group of five had reached a small clearing. Andrew had set Ellis down shortly into the hike, as she had wanted to walk with her siblings in front of them.

Andrew had climbed a small hill in front of the group as they had stopped to rest.

"This is my life now." Andrew announced as he laid down one his back atop the hill. "I have climbed this hill and now I will die upon it." Andrew said as he overly exaggerated his breathing. To make it seem as if he was already exhausted.

The kids giggled in front of Meredith as she rolled her eyes at him. As if he could see her, he laughed slightly.

"It has been only 20 minutes at most. And that hill isn't even considered a hill with how small it is!" Meredith yelled up at him. Andrew laughed back at her reply and sat himself up.

"You find yourself hilarious don't you?"

"I do, yes" Andrew replied as he watched Meredith roll her eyes for what seemed like the millionth time that day.

Sorry for the delay y'all. I'm currently writing three stories at one time. Two of which are Merluca related. And now that I come to think it, I'm terrible at multitasking. Anyways I will be posting another chapter within the next 24 hours.

However, I need your opinion.

Should I post a Present day or another flashback? I'm equipped for both.

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