Present Day

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"Andrea! Open the door" Someone yelled from outside of Andrew's apartment. It was around ten at night, so whoever it was it must've been important. He had left Meredith's house at eight, after he had a stern conversation with her and her sisters who had shown up after he had declared his love for her. He had then returned to his apartment to take sometime for himself. Shortly after loud knocks accompanied the voice.

Abruptly jolting from his sleep. He barely had time to remember why he had fallen asleep on his couch. Still wearing his gray tux as he was to tired to change. His curly black hair was extremely messy. As it looked as if he hadn't slept in days. A key turning in the apartment door knob pulled him back to the current situation.

Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, with the palms of his hands. He stood up from his leather couch just as a brown haired, Italian women. Let herself into his foyer. She quickly wandered over to him and grabbed the lapels of tux. And shook him with force.

"What we're you thinking?!" She asked exasperated. "Running out on your own wedding, you've been with her for forever. And you just ran out." Carina sighed stepping away from Andrew. She then took in the surroundings of his apartment.

Everything seemed to be in its normal place. Except for the coffee table which had an untouched piece of pizza sat upon it. It looked as if no one had inhabited the place in the last week. Everything in pristine condition, not even moved an inch.

"Where did you go after you ran? Because this place looks as if you just got here." Carina asked gesturing to the room around them. Andrew sighed still not awake from his nap.

"No, I didn't come straight here. I went to take care of some things first." Andrew replied vaguely.

"Why did you run? Was it because you were scared? It was something new that no one is used to. And you just happened to get cold feet. I'm sure if you explained the situation to Sam-"

"Carina" Andrew said cutting her off from her mini ramble. "I didn't run because I was scared"

"Then why did you run?" Carina asked calming herself down.

"I ran because I realized I had feelings for someone else. And Sam doesn't deserve that. I'm not going to marry her and put her through hell when she finds out I happen to have deep feelings for someone else. I respect her to much to let that happen." Andrew replied pacing the floor in front of Carina.

A small smile spread on Carina's lips as Andrew revealed he didn't want to see Sam suffer.

"She was my first love. And I will always respect her and have a place for her in my heart. But we are both at two very different points in our lives." Andrew replied sitting himself down on his couch. He put his hands on his lap as he stared at the tv in front of him. It had been off for quite sometime. So he was staring at nothing, lost in his thoughts. Carina accompanied him to the couch. Sitting herself down close to Andrew.

"So, who is this other person you have feelings for?" Carina asked with a small smile on her lips.

"I think you already know who it is." Andrew replied returning her small smile.

"You know you're going to have to explain this all to Sam right? In order for her to not to blame herself. She is a sweet girl but, the heart wants what it wants." Carina replied

"I know, and I'm going to as soon as she returns my calls. And thank you Carina for everything."

"Do you want something to eat or drink?" Andrew asked Carina as he made his way into the small kitchen of his apartment. Depositing the piece of pizza, from the coffee table, into the trash can.

"No, thank you. I already ate"

"Do you want to watch a movie then? I have some old Italian movies that I think would interest us." Andrew said as he made his way back into the living room. Opening the door of the cabinet that sat underneath his tv. Presenting the movies to Carina with a wave of his arm.

"Don't you have to work tomorrow?" Carina asked him with an amused tone in her voice.

"Yes, but I've had enough emotional strain in a day than any person should have in a year. And besides are you really going to say no to your favorite brother." Andrew asked as he made a pouty face. Crossing his arms in front of him he faced Carina. As if begging her to say yes.

"You are my only brother, Andrea. But only one movie. Then I'm leaving." She replied laughing as his facial expressions quickly changed to a happy expression.

After deciding on the movie they wanted to watch. They both settled on to Andrew's couch with a bowl of popcorn between them. A buzz came from Andrew's phone which had been sitting on the coffee table. Signaling a message from someone.

"Did it go well?" Meredith asked as she had, somehow, knew Carina was going to end up at his house sometime later that day.

"Better than expected" he replied

"That's good, goodnight Andrew."

"Buona Notte, Mer" (good night)

Present day, flashback, or flash forward for the next chapter?

Thank you so much for y'all's support it means a lot to me.

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